Alge Problem


New Member
Ok i have a 125gal tank w/4 month old lighting. Lights come on at different stages during the day on timers its VHO. I have a highercapacity protein skimmer. I have done all checks of nitrates etc.. eveything looks fine. I had one outbreak of cyno that was removed and now long 1/4 inch grass green alge that is covering allot of the rock. I can't seem to get rid of this. I also have brownish alge on glass that is very small and easily comes off. The green stuff on the glass dosen't. I would like to mainly get rid of the grassey stuff on the rock. I had head blue hermits? Any idea on whats causing this. Oh i have had the tank up for 2 months, just moved and saved allot of the water during the move. I also own and RO/Di unti. Any help would be appreciated.


What is your phosphate reading. Whenever I get algae that the clean-up crew can't keep up with, I run a phosphate sponge. Seems to do good for me. What do you have for a clean-up crew. I'd recommend some hermits and snails. I have Zebra and blue-leg hermits, astrea snails, and a couple turbo snails. They do a good job keeping the algae under control. Still have to wipe the glass on occasion, but not too often.


my roomate had a rock completly covered in green hair algae, he guessed he was over feeding so he cut WAY back on how much he fed his tank, it was pretty much gone in a week or two. he does have a peppermint, which is known to eat hair algae. but the emerald crab and his peppermint wouldn't touch the algae when it was really long. also your phostphate readings are fine because the algae outbreak you are having is soaking up all the excess PH4. HTH