

thanks FLATZBOY i will get that test and see.thanks again for all the help and if thats does not work i will try scrubing them.


New Member

Originally posted by rich460
how long do you have to keep the lights off for hair alge to die off i have alot on my lr and want to get rid of it.:notsure:

Hello I am new to the forum and a aqurest for 9 months. I had a hair algea bloom(black) and a terrible denom algea out break. I tried turning off the lights for two weeks( no help) then I purchased Special Blend. If used as directed my tank looks great, just corolline algea. and sparkling clear.I tried to stop using and it was a algea outbrake heaven. started it back and no problem. I also used a sipon hose when I done a water change to suck the algea out of the tank without disturbing anything else. And it works. Hope this helps:notsure:


New Member
Originally posted by rich460
so is that the name of the product Special Blend and its safe for inverts.
Yes that is the name of it. I would read alittle about it before adding. I had another post and they tell me that my water is screwed up however I use it and there is not a spot of hair algea or denom algea. I havent lost any fish due to bad water (only fighting and one eating the other.) the bottle also says : Contains NO chemicles and is harmless to humans, fish, and plants..
If you use it I think you will be totally impressed with the results..


New Member
Is that the same stuff that smells like it is ruined? I put my first dose in last saturday. Hoping it will clear my tank up. Just a little cloudy.


New Member

Originally posted by lizard1014
Is that the same stuff that smells like it is ruined? I put my first dose in last saturday. Hoping it will clear my tank up. Just a little cloudy.

Yep thats the stuff. kinda smells like sewer but it works. I have been using it for 3 months and have never had cloudy water. I have a freshwater tank and seems like It's always cloudy.My next bottle I am thinking on starting that tank on the Special Blenb also...Every one has there own opinion, Im going to keep using it because it really works..:jumping:


i like the idea of a phosphate sponge, it may not clear of the water but it should get rid of the algea...which would clear up the water???:notsure: ive used them before and they work great.