Algea, algea every where !??!


New Member
This is really aweful and I need some big time help. This algea problem is one I've never seen before. It's in my friends 25 gal. tank, which is set up as fish only containing 2 Percula Clowns, and 1 Royal Gramma. It filters via a Whisper 2, and a Sea Clone Protein skimmer. It's lighted with the standard lighting bulb which came with the hood set up originally.
Here's the problem It's a creeping algea black in color, it's string-like and attaches itself to everything primarily the dolimite base. It takes on a sea-weed look in motion and makes the base of the dolimite hard and woven when removed. I removed it once only to find it creeping back it within 3 days.
Please help!? :eek:


New Member
Cleaning crew? I'm not quite sure what your talking about. Other than me doing general maintence and water changes, nothing really, could you suggest somethings for me. Any opions and ideas are very helpful and appreciated.


A cleaning crew is inverts that scavenge the floor of your tank. They consist of things like hermits, shrimps and snails.


Cleanup crews are a bunch of crabs, shrimps, starfish, and other inverts, they eat up the extra food on the floor, and they clean up algae pretty good. I would tell your friend to get one, has great cleanup crews. Also, does he have any light coming from the window into the tank. That is what happened to me, I had A LOT of algae. But, then I figured it was the sun. Tell him to get some shades, and maybe a cleanupcrew.


New Member
Shades, cool idea. You guys/gals are great, I'll get right on it! Some, turbo snails and some blue leg hermits. OK! Thanks, Greg :D