algea bloom...whats next?


New Member
hey guys, i just set up my tank about a month ago. and i am starting to see signs of an algea bloom that is a redish tint in color on the back glass and on my power heads. i heard this is to be expected. i only have 5 snails and two crabs so far. 55 gallon tank. good sump. whats next? is this algea bloom bad? do i need more cleaning crew to control it?


Active Member
red or brown??....Diatoms are kinda a rusty color..Red Slime is red..and real hard to get rid of..


imo, just reduce your lighting time, scrub them here and there, and wait till your cycling's over. at least, that's what i did. they'll eventually go. it's unsightful, though.


I know there are a million variations as to how bad algae outbreaks can be in a tank so take this with a grain of salt.
What for cleanup crew do you have? I ask because during the day my tank develops diatoms on the LR. I only have 7 turbo snails and a cleaner shrimp, but by morning pretty much all of it eaten away by the snails.
My tank has only been up for two to three weeks now and maybe I haven't seen the worst of it yet, but so far they seem to work wonders.
Also what are you using for water? Your source may be contributing the nutrients (nitrates and phosphates) needed for the algae to grow.
All in all, it's just part of a new tank from what I understand.


New Member
well the algea looks like a rusty color and doesnt seem to be slimy, more like small hairs (not green hair algea). it hasnt gotten in the sand yet but its on my power head and the over flow. my clean up crew consists of only 5 snails and one hermit (eel ate the other one :( do i just clean it off the class and let it run its course? all my readings are fine.