Algea boom do to recent addition of fish???


my tank has up till now been algae free I recently added a dragon wrasse which his job is to sift threw the sand looking for food and now my tank is covered in discusting algae what do I do to combat this just yesterday I changed the UV light that was about 8 months old...
any opinions apreciated thanks


Active Member
how old are your tank lights?
the fish could have contributed from adding nitrates, but there are other factors too. Pleast state your levels.
how much flow do you have?
what do you have to eat algae?
is the tank near a window?
what type of water are you yusing? conditioned tap? RO? Spring?


now that I think about the bulbs are kind of old like 8-9 months old this was a sudden attach everything has been fine up till a week ago when I added the new fish...should I be using an RO unit???
I use tap water and I'm proud of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
ummmmmm...... that is one of the LAST things to be proud of..... it doesnt matter where you are even if you have well water like i do. There was a guy on here who never used RO water because he had well water.... well... he got an RO unit and after using it for a little bit the membrane stuck to a magnet!!!!!! yes, replace your bulbs soon and switch to better water. Your system will look a heck of a lot better.


thanks for the reply man I actually have been pricing RO units and there not has expensive as I thought so I'll probly hook one up...1 last question can I hook the RO unit to my sump or should I just buy a 35 gal rubbermade tank and just use it for water changes and cleaning...
again thanks for the replies


Active Member
id definatly use the rubbermaid. If you hook it up to your sump many many neededminerals and such would be irradicated. I have a small DI filter made my aquarium pharmasuticals and it only cost me 30 bucks. I have a 40 gallon and a 29 gallon so i just have a 5 gallon bucket for changes. Justmake sure whatever you put the water in had a powerhead going for needed oxygenation./
and you are very welcome :joy: