Algea Eater


I'm looking for something that is colourful, and is not agressive (ie. woun't eat my fish)
I would really like it you be something other thasn a crab or hermit. I have a scooter blenny, is there anything else I could get?
Are ther any not so aggressive starfish?


New Member
I'm constantly battling algae. I've found that the best are snails and crabs. But for fish, the yellow Eyed Tang (Kole Tang) is excellent along w/ the lawn mower blenny. Although i haven't had much luck w/ that particualr tang, any tang eats algae. Another one that does a great job is the Sail fin tang. That's what i currently have and he grazes all day.


I added some Turbos and a couple of Peppermint Shrimp as the start of a cleanup crew. The Serpant Star...which was usually in hidding...came walking across the front of my tank in the middle of the afternoon......he/she REALLY enjoyed the shrimp!!!!


Not ALL tangs eat algae! Hippo and Blue Naso's do not eat algae as a few other species wont.
Also scooter blennys do NOT eat algae. They need small critters live in the water to survive, copepods amphipods, baby brine etc.
I have a mustard tang that does a great job. If you truly have big tufts of algae, no one beats the lawnmower blenny. He literally will mow it down.
But be aware! LM Blennys have a voracious appetite and if they eat all of the algae, you will need to feed him spirulina based food or lettuce/spinach.


I believe that starfish will eat everything that is alive in your sand. I have an urchin that cruises around the tank constantly and leaves behind clean paths as he goes. i do not know if they eat the good critters but he rarely is found on the sand bed. He (the urchin) spends most of his time on the rocks and glass.