Algea Growth


I it ok to have greenish algea on the tank and its kind of hard to scrap off the sides, just wondering if thats ok, or should I clean off all sides of the tank?


Well-Known Member
depends on what you want. If you don't really mind the way it looks and can still look at the tank from the front, then you could just let it grow on the sides.


Active Member
depends on what you want. If you don't really mind the way it looks and can still look at the tank from the front, then you could just let it grow on the sides.
Green algae is not pretty Bob.
Can you give some stats on your tank. And what type of water do you use.
How about your clean up crew?


I have great water, only 12 gallon tank though, all live rock and live sand, I have two Percila clowns and a brittle star, and a normal starfish brownish in color, one turbo snail, emarld crab and about 5 sand snails and thats it. I just didn't know if the algea would harm the rest of the tank or not


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by mjhulik
I have great water, only 12 gallon tank though, all live rock and live sand, I have two Percila clowns and a brittle star, and a normal starfish brownish in color, one turbo snail, emarld crab and about 5 sand snails and thats it. I just didn't know if the algea would harm the rest of the tank or not

Algea will not only not harm the tank but improve the water quality. Like all plant life it consumes ammonia, nitrAtes, phosphates, and carbon dioxide. And in the process filter out toxins and even heavy metals. Just that, unlike macros or plants, you can not harvest the algae to export the toxins and heavy metals.
So again it just depends on how you think it looks. If you think it looks acceptable then i would just leave it in there. eventually it will build up to some level and just remain at the level. meanwhile nitrates and phosphates will be very low to 0.0.