algea on my sand bed


New Member
Red and freen algea started developing on one side of my tanks sand. Is this something i should leave or try and remove. :help:


Its a little more indepth then that. If you just pull it out and do nothing else you will wind up having the samething come back. How long has your aquarium been set up? how much LR do you have? Do you have any part of a 'Cleaning Crew' (Shrimp, crabs, snails, starfish, urchins, etc...)? And finally what kind of lights and how long do you leave them on? If you search this question in the archives there are undoubtly answers if you can keep these parameters in mind.


It sounds like cynobacteria. Snails will not eat it. You may be over feeding, cut back to every other day. how is you flow rate? Add more flow with small powerheads. Use only ROO/DI water. It's getting fed from somewhere, find the problem and fix it.