Algea Out The Ars


I have been batteling the algea out break from h e ll!! It all started after I got my LR. I am actually unsure if it is red slime algea or a bacteria. I have tried everything from red slime away, feeding only every 3-4 days, reduced lighting times, and adding sand sifting Gobies (which by the way the pair only stays on the right side of the tank) , also have a lawnmower, bi-color blenny and lemon peel angel as well as a cleaner crew. I have taken out the algea manualy, vaced, everything!!!! I am at a lose!!!!! All pereameters are normal! Ph-8.0-8.2, Nitirites, Nitrates, Ammonia-0ppm, Ca-420, Carbon Hardness-11, sp-1.022, phosphate-0, Iron 0.
The main problem that I have is that it is near a window---however, I keep the blinds clsed the entire time until dusk and temp doesn't get over 79.5.
ANY HELP GREATELY APPRECIATED!!!!!!!!!!!! I can post pics of out break in a few days once my cleaning attempt fails---AGAIN!!!! LOL

Thanks again for any advice

this slim is on my rocks as well as sand---I have tried using a turkey baster to get it off and into the filter but it just keeps coming back w/ a vengence!!!! It's a 90 galloin tank that has been up for about 8 months--however, did have re-cycling after adding LR and that was about 6 months ago---I really do not think these aqre diatoms--that I could handle---It is more of a string algea that has a red-purple color that comes off in sheets when I use the TB.


Not sure of the flow of the PH I have in there---do plan on getting another one so I will have 2--like I said b/f only feed the fish every 3rd day if that and I use RO water, also will post pic in the next day or two.


:notsure: Here are some picks of the algea--funny thing is b/f today it was not nearly as stringy----today it looks like string algea as opposed to the previous algea---unsure if this is b/c I sturred it up and tried to get clumps out yesterday??? :notsure:

Thanks for any input!!!!!



That is Red Slime Algae. I would test for phosphates. Do you use tap water?


Phospahates are 0ppm and I use RO water.----Did use tap water during a 10% h20 change--but that was months ago---could this just be residual effects from that???? Like I said though before tested phosphates when algea became a problem and they havge been 0--even took to LFS for testing in case mine was bad and it came up neg. Is red slime away the best alternative for treatment or does anyone else have other suggestions? Thanks agian for all the input and help!!!!