algea problem, going on 2 weeks


I have an algea problem that wont seem to go away. I have red slime algea and I have that kicked I think, by doing weekly water changes instead of bi weekly. But I still cannot get rid of the green algea that is on my rocks and the back of my tank. I have a few corals in my tank but the algea isnt bugging them, just an eye sore. I would really like to kick this algea so that coralinne could take control. I use ro/di water and everything looks good parameter wise, no trates or trites or ammonia. Just wondering if more frequent water changes is going to kick this or if there is something else that I need to do. Any help/info/suggestions are welcome. Thanks Dustin


Active Member
I'm at the tail end of a green hair algae bloom too. First thing is to remember that it's NOT going to go away overnight. These things, especially, take time and perseverence. ***)
What helped with mine was weekly 10% water changes, I added 3 Mex turbo snails (37gal tank) and a fist full of chaeto algea I think is helping some. Also, when you do the water changes, be sure to clean off equipment and change the cartridges in your filter.
That's all I have for now. I think it's taken about 3-4 weeks to finally cut through the worst of it. Not completely gone yet, but I'm hopeful.
Good luck.
Lisa :happyfish


Lisa, I knew that it would take a while, I just did the same thing with the cheato, I recently added cauperella, or what ever the plant is. I think that it is on the down low. I hope that Im on top of it and Im going to keep doing water changes. Well I think im going to go add some more snails, along with some more hermits. I hope that this will help. I think the most frustrating thing about it is when I get done vacuming up the crap off the bottom, there is always a little bit more on the sand again... Dang I hate that stuff. Well Ill keep you all informed. Thanks to all for you help, any more suggestions would be of great help also.


Will that product do any damage to the corals? I have some zoos, xenia, toadstool leather, montipora, and a green colt. Will it do anything to this?


Active Member
Originally Posted by pondy
Will that product do any damage to the corals? I have some zoos, xenia, toadstool leather, montipora, and a green colt. Will it do anything to this?
I'm not sure about those products. I know that a lot of people put additives into their systems, but I just can't do that. It's pretty much a personal choice, and so far I've been able to dodge a few bullets without that kind of stuff. Just be patient.
Lisa :happyfish