Algea problem!


New Member
I have noticed that green harlike?bubble algea have taken over my tank. I added some emeralds and almost all the bubble algea is gone but I cannot get rid of the hair algea.:help:


New Member
a year and about a half it has been running...........never had an algea problem before just out of nowhere i got a ton of algea


check your lighting.. i had a hella bad problem with it in my tank.. i took the bulbs out, cleaned em up, cleaned tthe glass over the tank, and i woke up today and its literaly disintegrating into itself.. really wierd how lighting controls most of the algae in our tanks...

yosemite sam

Active Member
Sounds like hair algea. What are your water parameters (nitrates, phosphates, etc.?) Have you added anything new to your tank? Do you have a deep sand bed, or a refugium? How much current do you have in the tank?


New Member
two water jets, protein skimmer, 2-3 inches small sand bed............parameters checked a week ago (will recheck today), there only two things i can think that is being a problem i had a very healthy sea anemone and t split; one half died because it wasn't able to eat. Another problem was the lfs where i buy my fishfood changed brand; right after the algea breakout i found another lfs and went back to the fish food i had been far as lighting i have one metal halide


1. is the bulb older than 6-9 months?
2. Have you disturbed anything? added sand, removed coral?
3. Possible re-cycle due to loss of anemone? (a smaller cycle is common with the loss of large wildlife)
4. "phos-ban" will help remove any phosphates.. if you have them...
Bubbles are purely aesthetical.. I have added a small bubble stone in my return spout off my filter to provide more bubbles to the tank.. I like the look of a somewhat bubbly appearance. I also think it help to create a healthy gas exchange at the top of the tank, what with more bubbles poppin and swirling around..
HTH, its all i got:)


I have a HOB filter, and i just put the bag in the filter, after the charcoal..
if my memory serves me right they make a powder.. i have only had experience with the bags... ( i could have been thinking about something else though..) anyway, just put it in the filter and it will do the job..
Which reminds me.. i should probably get a new one? lol..
also, this may sound silly, but a new bulb may be the trick.. that bulb you have may have sat around for a long time before you bought it, or may have been used, or a number of things.. I know that the flouresant actinics actually have a shelf life.. possible that MH does also.. i know they both contain gasses.. like i said, i cleaned my lights, and the glass and the green stuff is going away... many different things could be wrong, best to start eliminating them one thing at a time.. :joy: