algea problem

old rookie

New Member
Probably a dumb question I have had my tank 2 months. everything going great 24 gallon ap 150w lights. I tested the water everything said it was fine. The lasy 2 days have had bad algea problem rocks are covered big time and every day I have cleaned the glass that is covered. I have about 15 snails and 15 crabs for a cleaning crew.
Is this normal or what do I need to change
In the back I have done filter floss instead of sponges I also have rubble in the back
Please help me or os this normal

mpls man

Active Member
what is your lighting period, how long do you have your lights on ?
how old are your lights ?
check your phosphates ?
these are ususlly the problems.

mpls man

Active Member
what kind of lights are they ? power compacts ?
i would cut back on your lighting . i have mine on for 8 hours, i have a 70 watt MH.
you might want to cut back to 7 hours to see if it goes away.