algea problem


Active Member
ive got alot of algea on botom substrate what should i buy to keep it down i have a few snails and a few hermits i will be buying some scarlet reef hermits but what else should i buy????


Active Member
I have the same problem since I started the tank.
I have 7 nassarius snails
7 astrea
7 cerith
3 turbo's
1 green emerald
6 ast. hermits
and the sand still has algae on it! So I guess none of those are good for the job

Let me know if you find a way to get rid of it.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by troy989
ive got alot of algea on botom substrate what should i buy to keep it down i have a few snails and a few hermits i will be buying some scarlet reef hermits but what else should i buy????
How old is your tank, and what size?...A sand sifting goby can't be beat for keeping sand clean.


His tank is still new.....
Is it brown? Probably diatoms then, and a normal part of new tanks....IMO Nassarius and cerith snails are good sand cleaners/sifters....your tank is too new for a sand sifting goby (IMO)
Just get a few more snails


Sounds like green hair algae.
+1 on the snails, let the tank keep cycling and keep your nitrates and phosphates down, that will starve it to death. Also keep up the water changes with RO/DI saltwater solution, using tap water with a "conditioner" almost guarantees you're adding phosphates to the tank.
Like meowzer said, a goby does a GREAT job on this, but you need to let your tank age a while longer before you introduce.


Active Member
i cant get a sand sifting goby! because of my yellow watchman goby who is right up there