Algea problems


I have a 29gallon with Algea problems. The algea keep on comming back on the glass. I have had the tank for almost a year..The algea started to access the tank about 3-4months ago. I will get pics on saturday but looks the same just rearrange liverock and clean alittle algea keeps comming back though. Below are pics of my tank months ago My 29gallon spec is..:
Pair of black perculas
Green striped mushroom coral
Frag of Pink tip hammer coral
6hermit crabs
35+pounds of liverock
20pounds of livesand
2 powerheads
Pengiun 330filter
2x65watts pc lighting retro kit 50/50bulbs..The lighting is turned on 12 hours a day
Water changes is 2-3gallons every saturday.
My question is how can i resolve this algea problem? Can i buy any livestock to clean the algea off of the galss? Should i change my lighting schedule? Any other method except using my mag float or credit card scraping all the algea?



Active Member
I would try cutting the lighting back a little. Snails would also help, I have astraea and turbo snails and my glass stays pretty clean.


1) What are your water parameters? If you do not have a test kit, take some waer to your LFS and have it tested for ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite.
2) Are you using RO/DI water? If not, start.
3) Cut your lights back.


I would increase your water change to 5 gallons, add a phosphate remover or poly filter sponge, add clean up crew and decrease your lighting time to about 8 hours a day.


8 hours will be fine for a little while, so you can get it under control. I would find the scource of the problem. As mentioned before you need a good Phoshate remover.
Are you using RO water? If not, where is your water coming from?

nm reef

Active Member
I'd start with testing water you know where your nitrates are? Normally the primary sources of algaes are excessive nutrients...lack of source out of spectrum...
I'd check your water for you're not over feeding...replace lights if older than 10-12 months...continue water changes with a quality water source...add additional crabs/snails.


Looking at the pics you never clean your glass! second when you clean your glass do a water change. I would get a razor blade to clean the glass then do a water change right after. You really need to get rid of any unwanted alge. In your case it could take a couple water changes to get your tank back to normal. I would not do to many water changes to quick. Instead scrap your glass do a water change then check your levels.


Active Member
I noticed you don't have any powerheads in there the water is probably stagnant and you need to get some circulation. Cut the lighting down and do regular water changes (get some blueleg hermit crabs)