Algea Question


Hi all
I am getting the purple/lavender algea that is on my lr (not plant like) growing on my pumps and powerheads etc. Is this ok to leave on my equipment and why???
I have the red plant like algea on one of my rocks and he hermitts seem to be eating it all away, is this normal???
Oh and i am getting that brown algea growing on my skimmer all the time growing inside my chamber and tubes. What can I do to stop it, anything??? How oftenm should skimmers be cleaned??


New Member
Coralline algae growth is a sign of a well-established tank. Keep in mind that it does consume calcium as it grows. So, keep an eye on your calcium levels. If you like the coraaline and want more, simply briuh it gently with a toothbrush, this will casue the spores to be released into the water column, thereby allowing more coralline to form. Its very easy to remove it from glass with a razor blade. You should be more concerned about your pumps/powerheads, as you'll need to start giving those items vinegar baths once they begin to get calcified with coralline. Good luck!


Active Member
natures sign of a healthy tank. I gave up the battle ove 6 mths ago and just keep the front crystal clear for viewing.
For more curculation ideas I turned to the wave2k. It a awesome device. I ditched all my power heads. The wave2k was developed by a marine hobbyist to mimic the motion of the ocean. there is a bar inside the main box that moves up and down. Give your tank the back and forth movement. My coral thought they had all returned home to the carribean.