

Active Member
Has anyone used this product "Algone". Can I post a picture of it? Not sure If it is allowed???????????????????????????????????


I use it and I have never had any trouble with it for 3 years now. It is all they say.


Active Member
on of our local pet stores is having a major problem with hair algae in the coral display case they have been trying to rid this tank of it for over 3 yrs with no luck.they just added this stuff to it the other day fri to be exact i go there to by pet supplies for my other pets and will be keeping a close eye on that tank to see how well it will work.they did try the bio equalizer another new product to help control water quality it didnt help either but the water is so clear you can count the wads of hair algae lol.ill keep you posted on how it works for them


I'll tell you about my experience with it. For the first year I had my 55 gallon reef set up I struggled with some green/brown/hair algea problems. Nothing too major, but just enough to be annoying. I had a fairly high bioload and even with a good filtration system and a big refugium with lots of macros I always had measurable nitrates and some low phosphate readings.
After using this stuff for a few months my algea problems went away and my coralline grew faster.
I dont think Algone is the answer to filtration if you dont have proper filtration set up, but if you need that extra little kick to go from good water to excellent water I'd recommend Algone. It helped lower my nitrates to pretty much zero and eliminated any phoshpate problems I had. My water was just off a little and Algone made it just right.


Active Member
Thanks for all the responses. My anemone just died the other day
, so I am very cautious before adding "anything" to my tank.
When I set my tank up, I did not realize it was getting natural sun light for about 1/2 an hour in the AM... NOW I have a large amount of green algea all over pieces of my LR. i ran a phosguard but it costs $25 buck every other day.
So I am hoping this will help wilh my issue.

Thanks again!


Active Member
Hey all,
I added "algone" last night and my skimmer went crazy. I was not able to keep it from overflowing. Anyone have suggestions. I just unplugged it and let it be. :help:


I have a Aqua C Remora skimmer and I run my Algone and it never caused any problems with my skimmer. It is all natural, no chems.


Well you don't want your skimmer removing the algone from the water column right away, however you will want to skim later so that it can help remove the DOC's and anything the algone will cure? Just leave it off for 12 hours and then plug it back in would be my suggestion.


my suggestion is to put the algone packet in a vegi-clip and put it in an area in your tank where your powerheads are pointed, and depending on your tank size i would also put one in the sump, thats what i did with my 65 to help eliminate green algae bloom syndrome...but i was also running my skimmer 24/7 with it and had no problems, you might just have to adjust your skimmer again and i wouldnt suggest putting a packet inside the skimmer area...


Active Member
UPDATE: Anyone one in the Dallas area want the remaining 10 packets?
I tested my water and my ammonia is .5. I will never
use this product again.