Alien beings??


Originally Posted by socal57che
Will an alien abductee please post and clear this one up.
Why in God's green earth would an alien with so much technology be afraid to be seen by mere humans. This one seems stupid to me.
I'm joking.......


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
Naive? Yes, there are billions of galaxies in the universe, and within each of these are billions of stars. Billions x Billions of possibilities. Still, the chance of one supporting life is next to zero.
You have to have a planet with the right size star that isn't too active spewing off lots of radiation
The planet has to be just the right distance from the sun so it's not too hot or cold
The planet must rotate so that the sun doesn't torch one side
The planet must have the correct atmosphere to both block out harmful radiation from the sun but also hold in moisture
The planet must be plentiful in water and other elements necessary for life
These are just a few of the many necessary conditions for the simplest lifeforms. Now, for a planet to have an evolved lifeform this planet must be stable for billions of years and must sustain a multitude of other conditions for evolved species.
I'm not saying that it's not possible, but I'm not keeping my hopes up. I'm not being naive, I'm being reasonable.

im sorry but tht is wrong. Life has adapted in incredible conditions. At the bottom of the ocean under intense pressure and extreme cold temperatures, also life has been found around vents at the bottom of the ocean where they vents release toxic gasses and the temperatures of the gas are as hot as the magma that heats it. SO its not tht earth is "normal" and space is weird, its space is normal and earth is weird. We have very mild conditions and we think that is the only way thigs can survive. But we continue to find out we are wrong. We continually discover new species and find and learn things we thought were never possible. So we cant write out the possibliity that there is other intelligent life out there. Life can obvioulsy live in other conditions but we have yet to explore far enough to find it.
Trying to think how big the universe is... well its incredibly difficult to understand the scale of it. So saying that there is not other life out there is ignorant


Active Member
anybody interested in all of this should look into M theory. I can explain it without you all thinking im crazy and its such a huge topic but if you want to learn about it I recommed the book "Parallel Worlds" by Michio Kaku
it will make you look at the world around you in a whole new way


Originally Posted by Shinobi9119
anybody interested in all of this should look into M theory. I can explain it without you all thinking im crazy and its such a huge topic but if you want to learn about it I recommed the book "Parallel Worlds" by Michio Kaku
it will make you look at the world around you in a whole new way
A book about parallel worlds just came out.
I saw some woman on the Colbert Report talking about it.
It looked very interesting.
It all reminds me of Doctor Who.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shinobi9119
SO its not tht earth is "normal" and space is weird, its space is normal and earth is weird. We have very mild conditions and we think that is the only way thigs can survive.
This totally explains why there is so much abundant life on the moon. and mars.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
I'm with you, I do not believe in fictional creatures.
I agree with this, I also do not agree in fictional creatures. Now we just have to define what is a fictional creature.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
I agree with this, I also do not agree in fictional creatures. Now we just have to define what is a fictional creature.
Fictional, by it's own definition is make believe, i.e. I do not believe in Harry Potter.


Originally Posted by Scotts
I agree with this, I also do not agree in fictional creatures. Now we just have to define what is a fictional creature.
Something/someone that nobody has SOLID proof of their existence. An old blurry 8mm film of someone in an ape suit(bigfoot) and one grainy B&W pic used for a bizillion years(lochness) doesn't constitute SOLID proof...just to specify.


Active Member
I have no problem believing that there is life on other planets. Why else would it all be there if it did not serve a purpose at sometime?


Active Member
We are but a spec of dust inthe galaxy of this demension . Not to mention the other demensions that are still yet undiscovered . I think there is much to be learned in the grand scheme of it all . There is life out there that veiws us the same as we veiw germs . Esp and telekanesis is just barely tapable by a very small portion of human beings its evolution and there is with out a doubt life out there weather it is more advanced or less advanced then us who knows but there is just way to many posabilities of "life forms" out there in space as well as right here in the same time and space as us just in alternate demensions.
I dont think that our primative brains are capable of Identifying certin aspects of things . Religion is just a small atempt to open our eyes to a larger picture . weather you christian muslim budist myan jewish taoist ,there is the ideas of a higher level of consiousness . Its a small step to the next area of thought and physical being. When we die our "soul" lives on its free to move on to the next level of spirtuality , Call it heaven if you will . But it moves on . The fact that certin religions believe in angels /Demons is the idea that it is posible for "life forms " to cross from one plain to the other . If angels and demons can cross that why isnt it posible that other life forms out there can and do .
Once we figure out how to travel across time and space there is going to be things that blow our minds away . The way we think now will seam childish and prehistoric . We will look at modern technoligy like we look at cave drawing of wooly mamoth.
Its out there its just a matter of when we figure it out .
Its as much about little green men from a million miles away as it is about the spirtual journey in to what we can expand our minds to see .
End of insane rambeling


Originally Posted by yerboy
i was abducted by aliens and they had tangs in 2 gallon tanks.
That is one of the funniest things I have heard!
They had a large Naso tang and Gem tang, right? Yeah I was with those aliens too.


This is something I have been running through my brain for a couple months now. I found another website that talks a little about it:
"Consider the structure of an atom: electrons “orbit” the nucleus. One could compare the electrons to planets orbiting a star (the nucleus). Atoms combine to form molecules, and molecules combine in ever-increasingly complex systems to create organic cells. Billions of star systems are contained within a galaxy, which is analogous to the cell in this situation. Cells then combine to form higher life forms, just as galaxies form clusters. Galaxy clusters represent the cosmic twin to the quantum life form. Galaxy clusters interact with one another, but only slightly, similarly to organisms interacting with one another in a community."
I don't know if this has much to do with the debate but its another theory that may link to it.
This just makes me think that maybe people and everything else on the earth are compromised of microscopic galaxies with in turn form the larger galaxies that are in space.


This is something that we do not harness the technology to prove/disprove completely on either end of the spectrum (atoms or galaxies)


Active Member
Juice that is an awsome idea you are kicking around . For all we know there is a million tiny galaxies inside of each cell in our body . What if the galaxie we think is un ending is just the simplest cell structure in some infanently larger being? Thats just mind blowing.
I think people are just to hung up on the idea of other life forms looking like humans . everything is thought of as the same scale as earthlings .


Here is a little more info about connections between atoms and the galaxy. It wouldn't be that there are a bunch of galaxies in our atoms but that are atoms are galaxies themselves.

The resemblance of certain Schroedinger atomic shapes to planetary nebulae hints that atoms are tiny members of the postulated spiral hierarchy. Hence ejections may be expected in atoms as in galaxies, nebulae etc. Excitation of the ground state flat spiral atoms would promote electrons into Scroedinger's three-dimensional shapes as illustrated above.
I am scared that I am going to end up a crazy physicist when all I want to do is be an engineer. Although I have to say I would not mind working on theories like this and trying to find more links and possibly proving it.
Man I could see alot of chaos and mass suicide if this theory were to be proven. People would be so afraid of the though of harnessing tiny galaxies and other life forms within their bodies.