Aliens kidnapped my Coral Banded Shrimp...


Yes that's right, aliens took my Coral Banded Shrimp. It was in my 7.3Gal nano yesterday and now it's gone. I took out all of the LR and searched for it. I checked in on the floor around the tank. I could't find any trace of it. It was a pretty big shrimp. How could it just disappear? The tank has been set up for 4 months now and there is only a B&W Ocellaris, 7 Hermits and a Mexican Turbo Snail in there. Has anyone else had a shrimp just vanish out of a tank this small?


Trying looking in the back of the tank with filters. Same thing happened to both my clowns. They must have some how swam over the top and in to the back section. They were quite happy that I found them.


I've looked EVERYWHERE the shrimp could have been. I'm sticking with the alien theory.
I just wish I knew exactly what happened. I'm scared to get another shrimp now.