Alk and CA


i am sure this has been asked a zillion times but i can never remember when adjusting alk and you ca. which one do you raise 1st? the alk or ca? i am testing my ca now, i just tested my alk and it was at 2.0 meq/l per salifert kit.


ok i just referred to my alk and ca balancing chart.... according to my chart for a alk of 2.5meq/l i should have a ca of 410ppm..... so actually i am not that far out of balance.
is this correct?
Alk/ dKH/ Calcium
0.00 0.00 360
0.50 1.40 370
1.00 2.80 380
1.50 4.20 390
2.00 5.60 400
2.50 7.00 410
3.00 8.40 420 (Near sea water)
3.50 9.80 430
4.00 11.20 440 (goal)
4.50 12.60 450
5.00 14.00 460
5.50 15.40 470
6.00 16.80 480
6.50 18.20 490
7.00 19.60 500
would i be able to raise my CA reading and will my alk go up on its own?

bang guy

No Alk is primarily Carbonate with a pinch of Borate. You'll have to add Carbonate to raise ALK.
For smaller tanks I think it's a good idea to have ALK a bit higher than what's listed on the chart, otherwise I think the chart shows a good balance.


ok so if i could accomplish this as i want to get my CA 400 - 420ppm, and try to keep a alk reading of 3.5meq/l. would that suffice?