

I need a book. I just checked my perimeters,ALK, if I'm reading it right 11.5 ( in the salifert test the level is 2.8 in the syringe. PH=8.0, cal=400. I added kent PH buffer last night because the PH was 7.4. What am I doing wrong??? I use RO water.120 gal aquarium , 5 maxi jets (2 blowing to the surface), refugium=30 gal??? Is there a good book that deals with perimeters??How about another kind of Buffer? What are acceptable Perimeters?


Originally Posted by RiDoMart
I need a book. I just checked my perimeters,ALK, if I'm reading it right 11.5 ( in the salifert test the level is 2.8 in the syringe. PH=8.0, cal=400. I added kent PH buffer last night because the PH was 7.4. What am I doing wrong??? I use RO water.120 gal aquarium , 5 maxi jets (2 blowing to the surface), refugium=30 gal??? Is there a good book that deals with perimeters??How about another kind of Buffer? What are acceptable Perimeters?
Did you perform test right? I have salifert also and you take the amount left in the syringe and use the formula on the direction sheet. I can't recall it exactly right now. Ex. It should read .71 on syringe (after test solution turns pink), then use formula. Multiply X2 if using the smaller amount (to allow for more tests).
There are several good books out there. Maybe start by going to your lfs and see what they carry and ask them for a recommendation. It sounds cheesy but one of the better basic books in my collection is "Saltwater Aquariums for dummies." It has good basic parameter and tank information within.


Active Member
Try the book, "The Concientious Marine Aquarist". Many on this site will recommend it.
Do you have a cover on the tank? If so then all of the water movement won't help much unless you can get oxygen to it. If you have a cover remove it and open a window since most houses in the winter are sealed up and the CO'2 builds up. I did that and my pH went back up.


Thanks all. AlbFish', I read .28 in the syringe, when using their chart or math its 11.5. They say 1.0 - what you have in the sryinge (.28) =.72 x5.71= 4.11 like the chart?


I might have put 5ml of water in the vial this morning, now with 4 ml it measures .32 in the sryinge=3.8 which isn't that far off?


Originally Posted by RiDoMart
I might have put 5ml of water in the vial this morning, now with 4 ml it measures .32 in the sryinge=3.8 which isn't that far off?
Looks like you're right on.....My earlier response was from work (don't tell the boss), now at home I got some references out and you are looking good. Alk of natural seawater is 2.5 meq/L, a beneficial alk for a home system is 3.2-4.5 meq/L. So that puts you right there! Other readings from above look good, Cal should be between 400-500 ppm.
As for ref materials, as mentioned above, "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" is great (nice picture of a flame angel on cover) and I also have "Aquarium Corals: Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History." The second has great information, lots of pictures and really breaks everything down (h20 wise) for a reef system. Hope you can get your hands on them, good stuff. Hope this helps!


Originally Posted by RiDoMart
Thanks for your help AlbFishin', I'm feeling better about things. Got to get some books.Thanks all
No problem. :joy: