ALK super high...



so i went to check my alk lvl at lfs yesterday. (kit ran out)
3 times higher then what it's supposed to be... oh boy..
came home and did 10g water change and ran back. still bit high..
how do I bring this down gradually without hurting corals or fish?
Water change didn't change much of my parameters. Guy suggested just dumping straight RO water without adding any ph buffers of any sort.
What do you guys think?

bang guy

Never add PH buffer unless your alkalinity is low and even then never add it to RO you're going to add salt to. PH Buffer = Alkalinity additive.
Next time you're at the store buy an ALK test kit and a Calcium test kit.
If your ALK reading is accurate then your Calcium level is going to be really low. If this is true then your Magnesium level is also going to be too low. Instead of messing around with additives just do a 50% water change. Remember, never add a PH additive to water you're going to use to mix saltwater with.


thanks for the information.
Will do so from now on.
My calcium is reading around 460.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Siptang http:///forum/thread/387270/alk-super-high#post_3406415
My calcium is reading around 460.
This sounds a lot like a defective ALK test then.
Before you do ANYTHING go buy an Alkalinity test kit (calcium too) and test it yourself. It is nearly impossible to have triple levels of alkalinity and Calcium at 460ppm unless your have MASSIVE amounts of Borate in your system.
Do you dose Seachem PH booster by chance?


I see. I'm going to have to get some free time and go and pick up that kit.
just to be clear, I'm doing water change without adding anything. Straight up RO right?


Well-Known Member
Water change with Salt+RO water mix. Not do a water change with straight RO water.
It sounds to me like a defective test kit as well. It's almost impossible to have three times the amount of alkalinity with calcium that high.
Buy a test kit and test your water yourself before and after your water change and see if there is any difference. Good luck!


calc is at 460 as usual but alk still goes up time to time.. :/ Can't figure this one honestly..
Sorry for the late replies guys... i really appreciate all the inputs so far!