

Why is my dkh going from 12 to 7 in three days. My calcium in the same amount of time is going from 465 to 420. The dkh seems to be affecting my astrea snails because they are dropping like flies. My PH is stable at 8.3. I have been dosing my tank for two weeks with calcium chloride dihydrate mixed with rodi water and it seems like the calcium is precipataing out, is this because I cant seem to keep my dkh stable? Iam pretty much new to this calcium and dkh thing and was under the impression by dosing this way it would be easier to maintain PH. The PH is stable but my dkh I cant seem to get right. I hope this is not to confusing in the way I explained this. Thank you for any help.

bang guy

From your post is sounds like you are dosing Calcium but not adding anything for Carbonate. This would naturally cause Alkalinity to drop.