

I have had my several tanks running for several years with no problems but one thing I am always and have been reading 0 on is my alkalinity. I do not have any problems with my ph or any other thing i test for. Should I worry that I am reading 0 for alkalinity? My corals and fish have and are doing great. Do I need to worry. I am using Red Sea's saltwater and reef test kits.


Active Member
I'd suggest trying a new brand of test kit.
If you are mixing salt, having little problem with your pH, and your corals are all doing well ..... I'd bet your alkalinity is no where close to 0.0
RO/DI water will read 0.0 if it's pure water, but you add saltmix to that, you now have carbonates, bicarbonates and various other alkaline salts.
Try another kit my friend.


if your alk is at o everything would be dead it would be like a huge acid bath. try another test kit and take a sample to your lfs and see what they get


Thank you all for your help I was also thinking that it would be almost imposble to be reading 0 for alkalinity. I will try a new test kit maybe mine is old or just a crappy type. I am using red Sea's Marine lab test kit I think it is.

madd catt

It should be around 8-10 degrees of carbonate hardness,you couldtry tetra master kit they work and are not that expensive.


Thank you again I will see what my lfs has for test so I can test it tonight then I will buy a different one through online stores that I deal with and get better prices. Thank you again.