Alkalinity and calcium tester?


Hi, I have a 29 gallon biocube with 2 ocelaris clownfish and 1 peppermint shrimp. I know i need to test my alkalinity and calcium but I dont know where to buy one and i want it to be REALLY accurate but not to expensive.. Thx!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mersam935 http:///t/389870/alkalinity-and-calcium-tester#post_3448593
Hi, I have a 29 gallon biocube with 2 ocelaris clownfish and 1 peppermint shrimp. I know i need to test my alkalinity and calcium but I dont know where to buy one and i want it to be REALLY accurate but not to expensive.. Thx!
Really accurate.... but cheap..... huh.... I know really accurate and expensive.... Hanna testers. They are digital ones and I love mine. I haven't heard anyone else on here talk about them, but mine are really accurate compared to professional grade testers my LFS has. I would recomend at least looking at them. I have RedSea tests too, but not as accurate, but it was $50 for Cal/Alk/Mag.