Alkalinity Problem


I am wondering why my alkalinity gets so low sometimes. Even when my other parameters are good. I just tested my water and these are the results.
pH 8.1
Ammonia 0.1
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Calcium 450
Alkalinty 5.6dkh
Specific Gravity 1.026
I just dissolved some sodium carbonate in a cup with ro/di water, and then added it to my tank to raise my alk. Is there any reason why my alkalinty gets so low?
Thanks in advance.


Active Member
So you do not add anything?? how about water changes... what salt are you using?? Do you know the calcium and alkalinity readings of your newly mixed saltwater.


no I do not use any additives. I have been buying my saltwater from my LFS. They use IO salt and when they tested it everything was perfect. This weekend I am going to start making my own salt.


Active Member
What do you have in your tank? At times certain items can be drawn quicker than before, meaning the consumption rates can change as your corals and such grow.....


Active Member
I'd test the water from the LFS. I agree with acrylic51 but that seems to me to be a dramatic difference... with the calcium being at 450ppm... unless there was an imbalance to begin with.