Alkalinity +


Well how do you the other hobbiest add alkalinity. My alkalinity is somewhere in the 5.2 dkh. I have read that some use a dosser and really not in that group so any other ideas. what brand would be nice to know? My ph is 8.1 so if I add a ph buffer does my alkalinity rise? I did a water change but the Alkalinity stayed where it was really don't know why.

bang guy

if I add a ph buffer does my alkalinity rise?
Baking Soda will also work but don't try to raise it a lot all at once.
Make a new batch of saltwater and test it for alkalinity. It is possible that you have a bad batch of salt but this is uncommon.
How is your Calcium doing? An overdose of Calcium will force Alkalinity to be low.


Well-Known Member
I recommend you search for dr randy holmes-farley's diy 2 two part. There also is an on line calculator to compute how much baking soda to add as well.
Using that on line calculator it would take 14.9 grams, approc 3.1 tsp or .5 oz of baking soda.


Well-Known Member
baking soda decreases pH slightly... sodium carbonate increases pH slightly. They both increase alkalinity.
Holmes-Farley recipes are worth it... I wouldn't raise alkalinity by more than 2dKH at a time though. Measure your calcium and magnesium though to see if they are "off" and I would do as BG suggested and test your new saltwater batch as well.


my calcium reads 516 I have not added any supplement and cant figure why its high. Started tank with red sea salt.going to mix a batch and do some readings. i have aqua vitro salinity as back up. ok what do I do?


Active Member
Mix a batch and see what your readings are.....If your not adding Ca.....possible it's from your salt.....


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by morgan175 http:///t/393224/alkalinity#post_3497877
my calcium reads 516 I have not added any supplement and cant figure why its high. Started tank with red sea salt.going to mix a batch and do some readings. i have aqua vitro salinity as back up. ok what do I do?
I think you will find that raising the KH will lower the calcium.
my .02