Alkilinity And Calcium


I know this is perhaps a stupid question, but how do I test both my Calcium and Alkilinity levels?


How to measure the two. Best bet buy test kits. The KH should be about 12. You test it buy putting drops in the beaker until it turns yellow. when it turns yellow that number of drops is your KH!
The calcium should be about 450! I dont know how to test it because I take it to the fish store to get it tested!


yes there are several kits out there. aquarium pharacuticles, seachem, and selfert kits are pretty acurate. each test is diffrerent. actually there is a range for each the calcium 400-450 is good. alkalinity you want 9-12 dkh. also ph is inportant when it comes to alkalinity because as long as one is stable the other will be also. these 2 work together. a good ph is 8.1-8.4