All Corals doing fine except..Finger Leather


All my corals are doing well even have new ones growing.
My corals are fairly n new to my tank. All levels are good.
I bought my corals from a guy that was shuting his tank down. All where attached to thier rock.
But my new finger coral it looked great when I bought it, it has started to shrink 1 day after placed in tank abd contuied. I bought it from the same guy I bought my others , they are all fine, candy , mushroom corals.
The finger has now started to turn white at the bottom and is leaning over, it looks like parts are , little parts are getting darker in color, and they look well leathery.
I picked up the rock and the coral is firmly attached.
So what is going on. I have read that dying finger corals can be deadly to the rest of the tank.
BTW I did do a freash water dip before placing in my tank.
PLease any info would be great!!!


New Member
Leather corals will go into a dorment lie stage and you will see a protective film aroun the leather. Then the leather will open in a day or two. How is your water quality and how about your current in the tank to much current will make it possible for it not open and also your lighting. Maybe move the leather midway in your tank, I have my fingerleather mid point in my reef and it is doing great. Hope it works out for you. Chefzif