All Dead!

the claw

Active Member
Again, thank you guys for the support. You actually give me hope again. I had no idea how I was going to get it going again. I showed my wife some of the supportive things you all said and she thought it was great. I feel bad for her, she has had to put up with my mood swings everytime I walked through the door, and smelled the stench. Here is the last picture of big blue. He was already beginning to look flat. He came out for a looksie, and soon disintegrated on the spot. As you can see in the photo, even my brown polyps looked sick, and those are hardy buggers.


Active Member
You get one of those mood swings and come here and take it out on us :) We can't physically do the water changes, or air things out or whatever, but by gosh we can take some
heat :D Or just totally understand the emotions. We're here :) just come on in... :needhelp:


Active Member
Speeakkking of aiptasia... I've got some nice fairly bright green ones, I would be willing to ship for free
Seriously - My dad had his whole tank crash (It was only a 30g w/o corals though) due to a fish snapping the glass heater in half literally frying the fish; the water was steaming by the time he noticed. He put the hobby away...
well, 15 years later I discover a conveinent slightly scratched up 30g downstairs on an old particle board stand. I'm using the tank now; figure if it's worked for ballpark 20 years, it should work for another 20 years or so at least.
You can't backout now. Not only do you have the equipment under your belt, you have the knowledge in your head. That takes a whole lot more time than anything; for me almost as long as it took to work to pay off what I learned. (Needless to say, replacing the bending particle board stand wasn't the least of my financial issues)