New Member
I made a bad mistake somewhere! OK does anyone have any ideas so I don't do it again. I lost all my fish. I had a clown, Blue Hippo, and a Goby. I also lost all my emerald crabs, few hermit crabs, and lucky me save 3 out of 4 urchins by moving them to my QT. Heres the deal, I did a complete water change. Just got a new RO system and mixed up a batch of water in a tub and got it ready to go, drained out tank and filled with new water. The same time I did this, I did my QT and topped off my freshwater tank. QT was fine and fresh was good too. All the water tests I ran came back fine. My nitrate was high, but not any higher then it was before any changes were made. Bottom line I came up with is this. I have a hang on the side protien skimmer, a bio wheel and 2 power heads hooked up to an underground filter system. I have crushed shell obviously cause sand would get sucked up the filter. I took out my bio wheel and skimmer for about 3 days and left just the under ground running. I have used just underground before and had no problems. All the stuff in my tank died all the same time. I went to work and all looked norm. Came home 10 hours later and all dead. Like something had gotten dumped in the tank that killed everything. I do not have any kids, so that was not the case. Anyone have any ideas!!!!!!!! Do under ground filters do more damage then good? Should I go to sand like I used in my QT? I didn't figure the bio wheel was that big of piece to my tank. To clear a few things up. Everything died before I even put the bio wheel and skimmer back on. The water was cloudy and after bio and skim back on, all clear again. My amonia sky rocketed here of late. Never seen it that high. Nothing seems to be hurt by it. Still have my clean up crew in the tank. By the way. 40 gal tank. Getting ready to do another water change and get everything back to spec before I basically start over. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.