All my fish are dying, this sucks.

I pulled the rock out and put it in a tupperware tank with the a filter and heater so there shouldn't be much die off from them. The other fish are doing ok, I guess I just expected a miracle cure of hyposalinity making the ick drop right off.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lighteningthes
I pulled the rock out and put it in a tupperware tank with the a filter and heater so there shouldn't be much die off from them. The other fish are doing ok, I guess I just expected a miracle cure of hyposalinity making the ick drop right off.
If you ever find a miracle cure for ich, patent it quick. The white spots you see are really just dead tissue; the ich parasite is deeper in the fish. And, for every spot you see, there are probably hundreds in different stages; in the water column, LR, filter system, substrate, etc. Beth's hypo treatment must be followed exactly; its time consuming, but is the only way I know of to cure ich. (Besides copper).