all ok?


Active Member
hows this list for a 70gal
valentini puffer
hawaiian blue puffer
marine betta
:notsure: :joy: :notsure: :happyfish :happyfish


sounds good to me, but I think only 1 dwarf puffer per tank if Im not mistaken. Maybe get a fuzzy dwarf lion, or a hogfish? :) good luck


i would only do 1 puffer. most hogfish will get too large for a 70.


Originally Posted by actionjack
I dunno, Cuban Hogs might be ok, though I dont know the dimensions of a standard 70 gallon.


Originally Posted by Drewsta
that would be 100G :notsure:
yes it would. 48x18x18 would be about 67 gallons.


New Member
you dont know how big your tank is, but your trying to add fish? why dont you grab a tape measure and figure out the real dimentions then try getting fish that are appropriatly sized. especially if its a DAS tank or any other tank with the filter box in the tank, thats gunna take away some swimming room from the tank. definatly only one puffer.


Active Member
oki i was wrong, the dimensions are 62"lx18"wx19"d, i bought the DAS system as a 70gal and its bigger than my friends 70gal so im not sure if i got a good deal or if i was ripped off.


New Member
ok sharkboy13... im a bit confused:
in one post you say that you have a 180 gallon shark tank, with a "breeding pair" of sharks, then in another post you said you were "finished cycling" your 70 gallon das. so heres where i get confused;
1 how many new 70 gallon das tanks do you have? you just said one was finished cycling and now you say its been up for 5 days.
2 havent you figured out how to use a hydrometer and properly maintain the salinity of a tank, since you have an 180 gallon prooven breeding shark pair tank.
3 if you are such an expert to breed sharks.... just a pair,,, then how did a crummy "lfs" rip you off?? wouldnt you kinda know what you were talking about if you have so much experience? i mean you didnt even know what size tank you bought.


Active Member
i have two tanks lavagirl, two tanks, im running a list by u all becuz it has been approved by my lfs but i thot id run it by the higher powers in this world.


lmfao the higher powers.... wow thats great. Well how to do you figure you would of been ripped off? you payed for a 70 gallon and got a bigger tank? that sounds like a hell of a deal to me.... LOL well ill give you the list im gonna have for my 75 gal see if it helps you any
Black Dogface puffer (their generally more peaceful then some of the other dogface's)
3 Percula Clowns
3 Damsels (not sure what type they are i just bought them to test the tank and make sure everythings ok before adding the others)
Longnose Hawkfish (depending on the temprement of the dogface)
Regal Tang
Porcupine Puffer
Volitan Lionfish (the black and white one)
true 90% of the time you really only want 1 puffer in a tank not only because of the size but because they may fight, BUT if hte dogface's temprement is peaceful enough then i may be able to get away with putting hte porcupine in there... im getting a 150gal pretty soon so then i can upgrade.


New Member
two tanks??? ok, so
1. your cycled 70 gallon
2. your 5 day old 70 gallon
2. your 180 gallon shark breeding tank
haha sharkboy and lavagirl, fight to the death... the next movie
anyways not meaning to be so confruntational but im confused and thought we should figure out if sharkboy13 really has these tanks and is experienced, because it seems like he is making some stuff up, and is really not very experienced at all. that would be ok, i mean people make stuff up all the time, my problem is he is giving newbies advice, in one post he said some crazy fish would get togther because he had some that did, but when someone else posted that it wouldnt work he immediatly started backtracking saying that he didnt read the post, and hes saying that his lfs is keeping remoras in 55 gallons, and killing baby sharks, then why is he saying that he is taking their advice, like if my lfs was doing that stuff id never go there again,,, i certianly wouldnt buy a 70 gallon tank from them and take their advice all the time. i mean if hes gunna have a "30,000 gallon shark breeding tank" in his backyard fine... but if you dont really know what your talking about then dont give other people advice.
again not trying to be mean, just trying to find out whats what