all rays at calgary zoo died


New Member
just seen on fox news speculation that some activists group could be responsible a total of about 34 rays being killed? anyone else see this?


Active Member
yay animal rights activists strike again!
what morons, if you are against keeping animals captive then why would u just go out and kill them all in captivity
they could of atleast stolen them and released them into the wild!


I don't know rays are not something to just crash and die especially that many at that fast of a time... Plus the exhibit was new and they are going to send the water off to a national test facility to have it publicly tested... But honestly if it is bad management or some type of activist someone should be held responsible. {
Let them room with VICK


Active Member
That is what the zoo people are saying they think their water is fine. It shouldn't have crashed. Someone must have done it. I wonder if their redox meter has a high measurement keeper on there?


Active Member
Why would an animal rights activist kill stingrays?
Not to say it didn't happen, I just don't buy it... I'd think that vandals were more likely at fault.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Why would an animal rights activist kill stingrays?
Not to say it didn't happen, I just don't buy it... I'd think that vandals were more likely at fault.
Why would environmentalists burn a hummer dealership?
Why would lexus fly Paul McCartneys hybrid in its own plane?
Why would al gore live in a 10,000 square foot house that uses 10x the power the average home uses?


Originally Posted by crimzy
Why would an animal rights activist kill stingrays?
Not to say it didn't happen, I just don't buy it... I'd think that vandals were more likely at fault.
I agree.
Environmentalists burned hummers because of what they represent, if they were doing the same thing at this zoo the zoo would have been burnt down or the animals rescued. I don't believe any environmentalist would just kill animals to make a point (what point would they be making?) It was probably some idiot who had some personal issues with a worker/manager? I just can't make myself believe that environmentalists would purposefully kill the animals, maybe the keepers...


I could see an environmentalist group do that. People are crazy and dont think. Some may think that oh well if we kill them off they wont replace yea they will. Then again it could infact be a coverup for someone's screwup. I mean if fox news is reporting this I would take it with a grain of salt. They manufacture news more than report real news.
I am from Calgary and have seen the tank, very nice design and well kept. IMO, I doubt that it was poor management, as the Calgary Zoo is well kept.
It would be easy to poison the tank however, as it was designed to allow visitors to place their hand in the water and allow the rays to touch you.
I guess time will tell, or maybe not. If it is activists, they are nothing more than murdering terrorists.


Active Member
Originally Posted by globaldesigns
I am from Calgary and have seen the tank, very nice design and well kept. IMO, I doubt that it was poor management, as the Calgary Zoo is well kept.
It would be easy to poison the tank however, as it was designed to allow visitors to place their hand in the water and allow the rays to touch you.
I guess time will tell, or maybe not. If it is activists, they are nothing more than murdering terrorists.
It doesn't take much, forget to clean off the redox reactor and you get bad o3 readings and wham nuked tank.


Active Member
I am from B.C. Canada and have had the great opportunity to visit this zoo before they had the rays. This is one of the best zoos I have ever visited. They care for all their animals with the most respect.
My husband and I had the great opportunity to go inside the tiger exhibit and watch them feed the cats, we were literally 2 ft away from these wonderful creatures. A memory we will never forget that is for sure.
I found all the animals there to be really healthy and very happy with the keepers constantly going and feeding, watering, cleaning all day long.
Activists poisioning the rays, well I do have my opinions about them but will keep that to myself.
Something terribly went wrong there and in time it will come out as to what happened exactly there.
Hard to point fingers right now but the water and ray test results should show something for sure.
It is to bad that they all died, I love rays and would have taken a trip there this summer to have the hands on experience of the beautiful animals up close.
Justice will be served to whom ever did this horrible crime in due time.
"What goes around comes around"........


Active Member
Originally Posted by Debbie
I am from B.C. Canada and have had the great opportunity to visit this zoo before they had the rays. This is one of the best zoos I have ever visited. They care for all their animals with the most respect.
My husband and I had the great opportunity to go inside the tiger exhibit and watch them feed the cats, we were literally 2 ft away from these wonderful creatures. A memory we will never forget that is for sure.
I found all the animals there to be really healthy and very happy with the keepers constantly going and feeding, watering, cleaning all day long.
Activists poisioning the rays, well I do have my opinions about them but will keep that to myself.
Something terribly went wrong there and in time it will come out as to what happened exactly there.
Hard to point fingers right now but the water and ray test results should show something for sure.
It is to bad that they all died, I love rays and would have taken a trip there this summer to have the hands on experience of the beautiful animals up close.
Justice will be served to whom ever did this horrible crime in due time.
"What goes around comes around"........

I am curious as to what your opinions are?


Active Member
I would absolutely go with the ozone theory and many do not have any way to measure how high it may spike. However, ozone does have a distinctive smell and you can usually pic that up in a tank that has had a spike if you catch it soon enough. Then again they may be susceptible at lower levels in general and you may not see that.
Another overlooked option is a plumbing leak, dripping tap water into the tank, which killed sting rays in pittsburg in 2000 (they've also had several ozone issues as well).