All Tests are showing poor water quality BUT..........


I did my water tests a little bit ago, around midnight. Here are my test results:
High Range Ph 8.8
NH3/NH4 0.50ppm
NO2 0.50ppm
NO3 10ppm
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Does it matter at what time you test the water during the day? Some say yes, and some say no. So I'm confused.
I just purchased a protein skimmer and have been running it a lot lately. Does this have any bearing on test results?
I have a clean up crew, and they have been really doing a great job of cleaning up the tank. Does the clean up crew, cleaning up a lot of diatom algae and red slime algae have any bearing on the readings as well?
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Active Member
1. Does it matter at what time you test the water during the day? Some say yes, and some say no. So I'm confused.
It only matters that you do the test around the same time each day if you are comparing readings day to day. Tank chemistry varies throughout the lighting cycle, so in order to compare apples to apples you should be testing around the same point in that cycle.
2. I just purchased a protein skimmer and have been running it a lot lately. Does this have any bearing on test results?
Not directly. A skimmer removes dissolved organics before they break down into nitrites (NO2) and Nitrates (NO3). Running the skimmer should mean a slower buildup of nitrates becuase it removes the gunk that eventually becomes nitrates, but it won't directly move those readings depending on whether it is on or off at a given moment.
3. I have a clean up crew, and they have been really doing a great job of cleaning up the tank. Does the clean up crew, cleaning up a lot of diatom algae and red slime algae have any bearing on the readings as well?

The cleanup crew adds a bioload to the tank, because they generate ammonia that goes through the nitrogen cycle. Usually it's not nearly as great of an impact as something like a fish, particularly a messy carnivore like a trigger or a lion, but it does contribute nonetheless.
... I assume this is a new tank?


Originally Posted by SCSInet http:///forum/thread/386947/all-tests-are-showing-poor-water-quality-but#post_3401233
... I assume this is a new tank?
Not really a new tank, but has been through alot over the last 6 months or so. My other threads have stated what the tank has been through, and how I eventually made a decision to finally take care of it properly.
Anyway, here are pics I took today, around 10:45am. A little bit different, but you tell me what you think. (The cards were circled when I first bought the kit so I knew what the reading was supposed to be. Now I know it off by heart)
High Range PH test. What do you think the correct reading is?

Saltwater Nitrate (No3) What do you think the correct reading is?

Fresh and Saltwater Nitrites (No2) What do you think the correct reading is?

Saltwater Ammonia (Nh3/Nh4) What do you think the correct reading is?



Active Member
Originally Posted by Shelbeth http:///forum/thread/386947/all-tests-are-showing-poor-water-quality-but#post_3401268
Not really a new tank, but has been through alot over the last 6 months or so. My other threads have stated what the tank has been through, and how I eventually made a decision to finally take care of it properly.
Anyway, here are pics I took today, around 10:45am. A little bit different, but you tell me what you think. (The cards were circled when I first bought the kit so I knew what the reading was supposed to be. Now I know it off by heart)
High Range PH test. What do you think the correct reading is?

Saltwater Nitrate (No3) What do you think the correct reading is?

Fresh and Saltwater Nitrites (No2) What do you think the correct reading is?

Saltwater Ammonia (Nh3/Nh4) What do you think the correct reading is?

I have a heck of a time reading API pH color cards. I also use Salifert just for piece of mind. From your picture, I would say your pH is somewhere between 8.2 and 8.4.
To me, your nitrate looks like 10+. Definitely not undetectable.
Your nitrite looks to be .25+. Definitely not undetectable.

Ammonia looks to be undetectable.
One thing I notice is that your vial level for the ammonia and nitrate tests looks good; OVER the line after adding reagent. Your Ph and nitrite vial looks to be AT the line after adding reagent, which makes me question whether the correct amount of tank water was added prior to adding reagent.


I added the amount of water, to the line at first, and then added the amount of drops the test kit calls for. One of my vials does have a very loose fitting cap on it, which may leak when turning it upside down for the test. This may be be seen as improper water level in the vial. I don't know?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shelbeth http:///forum/thread/386947/all-tests-are-showing-poor-water-quality-but#post_3401272
I added the amount of water, to the line at first, and then added the amount of drops the test kit calls for. One of my vials does have a very loose fitting cap on it, which may leak when turning it upside down for the test. This may be be seen as improper water level in the vial. I don't know?
OK, cool, it could have been just the picture. I have API vials that have loose fitting caps as well.
Anyway, from the colors on my monitor, I stand behind what I said about your test results.


OK, cool. BTW, here is the color of the water my protein skimmer is pulling out (after the suds dissolve into water). The bubbles in the skimmer collection cup are like soap suds in your sink when washing dishes, and eventually dissolve into this water. However, I'm not getting any solid debris in my skimmer. There's no "coffee like grains" in the suds or the collection cup. Am I running the skimmer correctly?


Active Member
More experienced folks should answer your skimmer questions, hopefully they will chime in shortly.


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/386947/all-tests-are-showing-poor-water-quality-but#post_3401301
Check out this thread....LOL...this is what Skimmer SCUM is supposed to look like
Wow. That's alot of scum. Is that from months of not cleaning scum buildup in the collection chamber, or was the tank THAT dirty in one skim collection? I appreciate your thread, and at the same time, I am looking for answers if my skimmer is working properly. I'm uploading a video to youtube and will share it with you all as to what my tank looks like. Remember, I have been cycling my tank now for about 6 months and this video shows what my tank looks like after this amount of time. I need help!
I've decided to go total darkness for 3 days, and keep running the protein skimmer as well. Next week (exactly 7 days from now, next Wednesday) I'm going to purchase a phosphate reactor and run everything altogether. Hopefully this will take care of my issues.


LOL...that is one weeks woth on my 225G.....I have a MONSTER skimmer
Just trying to show you that it should be darker, and you should have film around the edges.
I'm also thinking your nitrites are closer to the .50 can take out your fake shells and barnalces out and wash them off. you do not need lights for cuc alone,
what type of skimmer is may have to adjust it some to make it skim drier


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/386947/all-tests-are-showing-poor-water-quality-but#post_3401340
LOL...that is one weeks woth on my 225G.....I have a MONSTER skimmer
Just trying to show you that it should be darker, and you should have film around the edges.
I'm also thinking your nitrites are closer to the .50 can take out your fake shells and barnalces out and wash them off. you do not need lights for cuc alone,
what type of skimmer is may have to adjust it some to make it skim drier
So taking the lights out for 3 days is ok for the CUC? I have the oceanic biocube protein skimmer that works for 14 and 29 gallon tanks. Should I adjust it a little more for more of a drier skim?


Well-Known Member
+1 on adjusting ur skimmer a bit...imo ur skim is to wet!
Also do u have a turkey baster? U should turkey baster ur crud of ur rocks and barnacles!
Do a water change monthly at about 20% of ur tank volume! I'll watch ur video later and leave more comments!
Right now i have to go to a meeting...

ur tank doesnt seem to be in the "cruz control" mode yet
a good lighting schedule (timers) and a water change around the same time every month will help!


Well-Known Member
okay after watching ur leave that light off for 5-7days! As meowzer said nothin will be affected. scrub down that back wall and collect the stuff on the back panel and turkey baster as i suggested during this time!
Did u set up with tap water?
Also is that the biocube protein skimmer? If u can, move the collection cup up a lil bit and see how that works! If that dont help, the next day turn it down a lil lil bit and see how that works....skimmers u kinda gotta fittle with!


Originally Posted by 1guyDude http:///forum/thread/386947/all-tests-are-showing-poor-water-quality-but#post_3401376
okay after watching ur leave that light off for 5-7days! As meowzer said nothin will be affected. scrub down that back wall and collect the stuff on the back panel and turkey baster as i suggested during this time!
Did u set up with tap water?
Also is that the biocube protein skimmer? If u can, move the collection cup up a lil bit and see how that works! If that dont help, the next day turn it down a lil lil bit and see how that works....skimmers u kinda gotta fittle with!

5-7 days? Wow. Ok, I can do that. I tried using the turkey baster (bought one recently) and it just spread the stuff around all over the place, and if it did pick it up, when taking the baster out of the tank, gravity just made the other stuff fall out. I was just going to let the cuc take care of that back wall because in 3 days time, they leveled the back wall by 25%. So I can only imagine what they can do in 5-7.
Yes, I started the tank with tap water. Then I did a 35% water change to spring water (from a spring near my house). Then when I saw that wasn't working, I did another 35% water change with distilled water. So who the hell knows what kind of stuff I have in the I have 3 different types of water in the tank and I'm curious if what I did was a major causing effect to having this explosion of crap in my tank.
As for the skimmer, I adjusted it now to where it is skimming alot more dry now. It is still working effectively and at the same time skimming more dry. Thanks Meowzer for the tip.


Do these prices seem too high?
I was on the phone with a local fish store in my area, and thought I'd see if I could get some assistance from them, as well as use the resources from all you fine members. I was asking advice on my algae problem. He said I could get G.F.A. and he sells it in two different forms. One is the little white granular balls of which he sells it for $22 for 1 liter. and the fine phosban for $26 for 1 liter. He also suggested a phosphate reactor that he sells rated for up to 300 gallons tanks for $70. These, as he suggested, is after I have tested the phosphate in my aquarium and the levels are too high.
Other suggestions from the store employee

I did tell him of the suggestion for running the "lights out" for the 5-7 days that I received and he said that he would be a little worried of that amount of time being too long, only because of the other life on the live rock being affected as well, e.g. coralline algae and other growths that are important to establishing a tank. Does his suggestion sound more appealing? Leave the lights off for 3 days, and cut down the time of lights on by 60%. for about a month to 2 months until the algae is taken care of, while running the phosphate tests with G.F.A. in the process.
And a unique idea from the store employee

I did get a really cool idea from him though that will save money and help with the creative mind in hobbyists alike. He said that instead of using a phosban reactor, just use panty hoes as a filter bag in the back of the 1st or 3rd chamber of the biocube, since these are the areas with the most flow.


GFO is not cheap, so NO....that is not expensive...Peronally I would go 3 days then limit the lighting, and the hose idea should be ok as long as you have flow thru it


Well-Known Member
coraline algae is not as affected by lighting as much as it is by cal, mag, and other things! Do wat u feel is right!
If stuff just falls to the floor bed of ur aquarium, u need more flow! Ur stuff u turkey baster up is supposed to be sucked into ur filter!
U can turkey baster and scrap that crud off and collect it with a net!


Originally Posted by 1guyDude http:///forum/thread/386947/all-tests-are-showing-poor-water-quality-but#post_3401410
coraline algae is not as affected by lighting as much as it is by cal, mag, and other things! Do wat u feel is right!
If stuff just falls to the floor bed of ur aquarium, u need more flow! Ur stuff u turkey baster up is supposed to be sucked into ur filter!
U can turkey baster and scrap that crud off and collect it with a net!
Ah-Ha! That's what I was missing. I wasn't using a net. Sometimes the most simplest things are the most overlooked. Thanks. Awesome. :)