
New Member
I have a 55 gallon tank that I have had for 8 months. In this tank I have the following:
Med. Naso tang
Purple tang (MED)
Red Sea Salfin Tang (MED)
FoxFace (MED)
Orange shoulder tang (MED)
huma trigger (MED)
Spotter Puffer
2 Tomatoe Clown
WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEMS, EVERYTHING TEST PERFECT. We have a professional come and clean the tank and he says that he does a larger water change 10 gallons. Our tank is perfect. He says that everything gets along so well and everthing test out perfect. What do you think about this? I know I have always read not to overload but we have had great.
Congrats on doing well so far, now imagine most of those fish at 10-14 inches or more, then you will see your problem. Good Luck. :cool:


Reminds me of that other member of this board who seriously overstocked a 55 and all his fish started getting sick.


New Member
Hi Stacy
While a 55 gallon tank can certainly hold more than just 2 clowns(as per jwtrojan44
), I would agree that your current population is on the high side.
I would have thought a more realistic stocking, would have only 1 tang, the humu and the 2 clowns.
Good luck and best regards...


go for it. :)
one tang and two clown? that's so empty..
i envy you to make tangs getting along with each other in your tank..
i believe that fish will grow based on the tank size and how you feed. i think that it can grow faster in bigger tank.
It will take couple years to reach maximum size. You will worry about it when fish got too big.. not now..
That's why i have 7 fish in my tank.
Purple tang, Cinamon Clown, Clark Clown, Flame angel, Damsel, Queen angel(yeah queen angel JUV).
i rather have more fish to enjoy......
good luck.. :)update us how your fish doing and i will update mine as well.
[ September 19, 2001: Message edited by: moga ]

here fishy

wow i don't know how you have managed to do that...My naso is 12", my sailfin approaching that size, etc...they are in a 125...In my 55 I have a school of chromis, 1 tang, and a sand sifter.... In all my experience with fresh(25 years) and salt (3) i have found that big fish in small tanks stress for room and eventually die...IF their growth geets stunted the same thing has usually happened. I overloaded my 125 when I first got it up and running and paid a very heavy and expensive price. I hope your fish stay well but maybe when you can get a larger tank...Best of luck


Active Member
Stacy, I'm really sorry to say but I would have to agree with jwtrojan44 100%, you will start to have problems. You have as many fish in your 55 as we have in our 200gal and all but 4 of ours will stay small. I'm sorry but if your looking for opinions heres mine, I would get rid of some of them(tangs), you are way to overstocked, sooner our later you will start to loss them. If a prof. is telling you its ok, I'd look for someone else to do you maintinance for you, he doesn't sound like he knows what he's doing.
moga, What size tank do you have? Instead of the amount of fish in your tank shouldn't you be worried about qualty instead of quanty? With the addittude you have I'm sorry to say your fish will suffer. Lisa :(
[ September 19, 2001: Message edited by: BLUEBERRYBOOMER ]


yEaAh!! paAckIng fIsH iN tAnks fOr lIfe!! In mY tEn gAllOn tAnk I hAvE 3 yEllOw tAngs whO fIght sOmEtImEs bUt sEEm rEAlly cOOl And nIFty. mY 20 gAllOn iS KeWLEr th0Ugh. In thE 20 I have a pUrplE tAng, hIppO tAng, sOhAl tAng, 5 pErcUla clOwN fIsH, and an eMpoReR aNgEl wIth A jUvEnIlE qUEEn AngEl. iT iS tHe ChIlLEst TanK EvEr!!
-adamFirst of all,,,STOP TYPING like that...It is hard to read.And second,,,If you have all those fish in a 20 gallon tank,,,I will personally come to your house and kiss your???Well you get the idea..That is TOO UNBELIEVABLE to even consider truthfull.....

[ September 19, 2001: Message edited by: MR . SALTY ]

mr . salty

Active Member
Nowilovefish,, I must agree with the majority of the posts here.YOUR TANK IS WAY OVERSTOCKED.Not just a little,,,But way oversytocked...I wouldn't even consider putting one tang in that tank,much less FOUR...Your tank WILL crash soon...You also say that your"pro" says everything test perfect...Well what are the numbers??? Do you even own your own test kit???I doubt it...You asked for opinions,,,THAT IS MINE..Loose at least the tangs...ALL OF THEM...


Not to mention you have it stocked with a trigger and a puffer. Once they get bigger they may even go after your clowns. I think not only do you have the wrong mixture of fish, you have too many. You are opening yourself up to reduced longevity of the fish and possibly a bad breakout of some parasites. I sure hope you have one awesome protein skimmer going on that thing.


New Member
ilovefish I go a suggestion for you why don't you invest in a 120 gallon tank it's the same width, this will fit in the same space length wise and your fish will be more comfortable ;)
PS. Do you have any corals with this setup


I do hope you are kidding!!! If you are, it's not funny and if you are not kidding shame on you!!!! :(


Some of you people are stone cold idiots (unfortunately, this includes you too mr moderator). If you notice the iRrEgUlAr font and the fact that my post ends with an eye roll you should be able to tell that my post was simply mocking the original poster. I dont even think all those fish could fit in a 20 gallon tank dead. Please, use some common sense. :rolleyes:
-adamCommon sense??You should take your own advise!! This is a serious BB,with people asking serious questions,hoping for serious answers...If you want too joke around,go somewhere else...And callig people idiots will not make many friends on this BB...Especially the ones that can/WILL get you banned..Think about it.....Hey,I made a little mistake by not reading your post a little closer,,,But you made a bigger one by posting THIS response...

[ September 21, 2001: Message edited by: MR . SALTY ]
[ September 21, 2001: Message edited by: MR . SALTY ]


Sorry Adam............but it has been in the past that people have tried to pass off something stupid as actual fact. If you want to be funny, let people know you are kidding otherwise it can be taken wrong....and please give us all a break it's been a tough week!! ;)


New Member
I am by no means an expert but aside from the fact that one of those tangs is probably to many for a 55, puffers and triggers almost never should be kept together because nearly every time with very few exceptions one ends up dead.