All Those Who Have Had to Move a Reef Tank



hey there,
I have a glass 200 that weighs about 500lbs i could squat it but i can't bench that much yet. My neighbor helped me move it last time and i thought he was going to get squashed under it, but my friend helped with his end. I can deadlift that tank even after a 12 pack, but all it's good for is a bath when it's full


I get to move 4 tanks this spring
1 100 gallon reef
1 50 gallon FOWLR
both have 5-6 inches of sand in it.
1 45 octagon FW
1 30 gallon FW
and many other smaller tanks all over the place that arent setup needless to say I got my work cut out for me. bad thing is I sold off everything last year when I moved here to TX and will probably be moving back to AR or to IN not sure yet. but man I am not looking forward to it ;-(