All With Engineer Gobies( 2 in. to 2 feet)


Active Member
thanks.. i think there great for the refugium personally where i had mine, all he ate was shrimp pellets.. nothign else,, well and he he filtered mouthfulls of sand all day and night... here a picture of his home..( bottom 55 gallon refugium) you cans ee the waves of sand from him...


Active Member
Hate to hear you had to sell are you stuff, I remember a thread on here where you showed how you built one of your tanks, great info.
Hope to see you do another big tank build on here soon.


Active Member
thanks for the kind words.
Im always building tanks and sumps/refugiums for people still but i dont do anything too large now since i live in a condo and im nto around my new thing is building my own line of skimmers..


Active Member
thats interesting, I was just thinking about building my own skimmer, after looking at how they work it looks like it would not be that hard to do. I know there's a lot involved in getting the water and bubble ratios right. I can see were there would be a market for someone that could build a good skimmer and compete with some of these name brand skimmer that sell for up to and over a $1000.
If I don't build my own I may be interested in one of yours, I think I'm gona have to have one bigger then what I have now, It's rated for up to 125 gal. and my new system is around 185 gal.


Active Member
The line im working on is basically my version of " a very popular model that i love" but they are VERY expensive.. so what i did is build it almost exactly like it, BUT instead of the power hungry pumps you have to use with them i designed the skimmer to perform the same if not better but using alot less pump and more flow... I have three of them on friends tanks now, they will be tested over the year to see the performance, improvements etc. etc and then i will try my hardest to either A) patent or B) just sell high quality hand built skimmers to fellow hobbyist for a low cost..
its took me about $5-600 in materials to get it right and working how i want it too..i must have built 30 of them before i got it to where i wanted it, but i did finally end up with the version i want..


Active Member
sound good keep me posted, I might be interested in one. I don't mine paying for a good skimmer just the prices they charge for the popular ones on the market seem very expensive. And it sounds like way more work then I want to invest in trying to build one myself.