Allergic Reaction


The other day I was putting some new frags in my tank and had a great idea. Why not put my hand in my tank with a small cut. Well regardless the last two days I have been getting allergic reactions, hives all down my arms and legs. I have a feeling it might have something to do with my reef tank since I have my hand in there the day before this all started and the day before all that. Went to the doc and they just prescribed some steriods and zyrtek. Anyone have experience with this before?


Active Member
Oh yeah, couple of weeks ago I got my first colonies of zoos, didn't even pay attention to the fact that they can be somewhat toxic and was using my bare hands to place them in and around the tank. Sure enough, day or two later started turning red all over, headaches, body aches, breathing problems. Went to the hospital and they traced it back to the day I started handling the zoo's, now I have to use latex gloves when I do anything with the tank.


I am thinking it could be zoos from reading about them before. My brother had just started a tank and some of his corals were not doing well so we moved them to my tank. I would assume they were stressed out and giving toxins. I take it you just kept taking benadryl or something of that sort and it went away within a week or two?


Zoa's have a pretty invasive neurotoxin called: palytoxin.
This stuff attachs your nervouse system ( the electrical system in your body that transmits the vital information from your brain to everyother system in your body. i.e. heart, lungs, muscles, etc)
This toxin gives you no real warning of its presents until you have been invenomated by your coral. Since the delivery system from the coral is not necessarily a nematacyst you may not even feel a sting or a prick.
Zoa's and certain other polyps are your biggest threat with this. I handle my zoas all the time... but if I am fragging, excessively handling, or handling a zoa that has been "attacked" by anything... then gloves are a must.
Also, keep in mind that ANYTHING that eats zoa's probably collects all these toxins as a self defense weapon. NEVER kill, squish, or handle a zoa-eating nudi / snail / limpet / etc. People who have been careless enough to kill one of these incredibly small animals by hand have usually spent a very unhealthy time in the ER.
This toxin can enter through chapped or cracked skin, skin that is over inflated with moisture (i.e. in your tank for way too long), or through the smallest of cuts or scrapes. Once in your blood stream it does it's thing.
Symptoms: Trouble breathing, ringing ears, metalic taste in your mouth, excessive saliva, tingling sensation in fingers / toes / ears / lips / nose, lack of balance, inability to speak, heart racing / stopping.
*** if you are experiencing these... it's a little late in the game. Call 911 and start writing everything down just in case.
I keep a record of what toxic animals are present in my tank... and a list of the toxins (If I know them) handy. If I have to dial 911 I may not be able to speak... but I sure as he11 can point alot!!!
These animals are beatiful... they also do a great job defending themselves. Even certain sponges can carry a pretty hefty sting / toxin.
after 6 years... I have been stung (with only minor contact) by: Frogspawn, Hammer coral, Lobophylia sweeper, and 1 other incident I don't even know what hit me.
All those occurences had to deal with nematocysts... I knew exactly when I got hit and knew why... I was stupid.
Good luck, and treat your corals with respect.


Well, this is crazy, but i am just getting over having a MAJOR case of the hives and i have never had reactions until now to anything. Well, i built a sump/fuge and yeah, i used glass and i cut the piss out of my hand and then after that, i was trying to move my anenome around for two days straight, and man, i had to go to the er, it was nuts. WHOLE BODY REACTION. I had to go to the er 3 times over the past weekend. SUCKS but its going away now. It had to be because of the cuts on my hand. Easy access for the poison i guess.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dcel22
The other day I was putting some new frags in my tank and had a great idea. Why not put my hand in my tank with a small cut. Well regardless the last two days I have been getting allergic reactions, hives all down my arms and legs. I have a feeling it might have something to do with my reef tank since I have my hand in there the day before this all started and the day before all that. Went to the doc and they just prescribed some steriods and zyrtek. Anyone have experience with this before?
Dcel, check out this thread I posted awhile ago.
There are a whole host of things that you can be infected with from a saltwater aquarium; this being one of them. If it looks like this or persists for a week or more without you being in the tank, see your doctor.