WPG mean nothing, all depends on spectrum and some other high teck stuff. Intensity...and over all experience. I would say you are safe to get a clam, you have good lighting!
The tank is 18 inches deep. And I do have a nice spot close to the top to place one. Haven't really decided what kind, just figured I'd find out if it's even possible first.
Sorry to bring up the WPG B.S. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> I am very glad to hear that there are some success stories with the clams and flo. lights. Any I should stay away from since I don't have halides?
Thanks for the info,
I know people who have kept them under PC lights, they thrived. Buy a low light clam like a deresa and put him high. It should do well. How old is your tank?
Almost a year since setup. Six months since I switched it to a full reef. We just moved in mid-December, so I'm going to wait a little while before adding a clam(just to make sure everything's completely stable again) So far, so good.