Almost bought a green Mandarin


Today i almost bought a green mandarin, since i had ich in my tank and had to do hypo i'm afraid to buy fish
,since i cannot qt him because there is no pod in qt i chicken out! It was realy not expensive here normaly they go for 80$ and this one was 29$$ so let me tell you i still think about him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
You made a wise decision not to get it. i can't believe your lfs sell them for 80.00. Around here they are around 20.00.


everything here i have to pay twice as much as you,before i tought it was the money value but now american and canadien money are almost the same
.Next week i am going in old orchard for 5 days so wen i get back maybe the mandarin still there!!!!


Active Member
mandarins are the only fish you should not qt. they cannot get ich, they cannot introduce ich to your tank.


Are you sure that they canot introduce it? Since i had ich i'm paranoid about buying fish so i only have the 2 i had before!!!!! Maybe i,ll go back because it was a very good price plus i have a hang on refugium with alot of pods


Active Member
I would not say it could not get Ich, but my fish has no symptoms and was exposed for several months.


Active Member
They produce excessive amounts of slime coat, this is why when they are under rocks and come out they look like they have ick....all the sand sticking to them. I read they also produce massive amounts to deter predators from snacking on them. (tastes really bad)
Wouldn't it be great if all marine fish have this ability, it would save many a fish from the dreaded ick parasite!!


now i understand why i saw like a litle dusty thing on him so i back off and change my mind!!!I can always go back
But better be safe than sorry,i learned that
tanks a lot guys