almost done cycling


ok. i started my tank 5 days ago last thursday. No LS or LR. Im using 2 raw shrimp. I also used a pack of enzyme rated for 10gal. I have a 45gal. My ammonia has not reached anything above 0.5ppm in the last 5 days, but my nitrite is peaked at 5.0 or more, and my nitrate is about 50-60ppm. Im like a two year old all excited checking everything 2 times a day. I guess its not important to see the ammonia spike any more. Well my question is should i take these shrimps out? my cycle is already boosted. i dont want to deal with over kill on the nitrate. Any suggestions. Any one know why my ammonia didnt spike? i recieved a fluval303 filter from a friend that im using, but it was dried out for over 3 months before i used it so i dont think any of the bacteria remained in there since his tank. Any way... all info appreciated. Thanks.


I cycled with raw shrimp also and didn't get a huge ammonia spike. Nitrites went fairly high though. I left the shrimp in there until right before I put fish in...even though by that time they were looking like the blob. I did do a water change a few days before I added the fish though. I heard somewhere that if you don't have anything producing ammonia the bacteria can die. So you should probably either have the shrimp or fish in there.


Thanks for the heads-up krusty. How long did it take for your cycle to complete? When did your nitrites go down? Right now its been 7 days and the nitrate is peaked and nitrate is about 100ppm.


Where do you find the information about using raw fish to cycle a tank? I thought salt water tanks take 2 months to cycle, thats what I was told? Im confused ... :confused:


How long it takes to cycle a tank can be quite different depending on multiple factors. I think 6-8 weeks is about average using fish. Mine cycled in just under two weeks using raw shrimp. Others that have tried it and posted here seem to have had similar results. If the ammonia and nitrites have peaked and fell and the nitrates are at 100ppm, I would probable do a water change before adding any fish. That's a pretty high level of nitrates to add fish to. There's an article about using raw shrimp at "". Just search with raw shrimp and cycling or something and I'm sure you'll find it. If not, e-mail me at and I'll send you it.


Hey krusty, thanks for the info about that site. I really got alot of information out of that. I also got a really good tip out of these to. I was going to post a question asking about tempature raising to increase baterial speed and i found it on there. Up to 84 degrees F is good to speed up bacterial growth. Problem with that is it deoxitizes the tank. Well i have no fish yet so thats no prob. Thanks again
Lion Girl, i got that information from just read most posts on the board. You should read most of them, interesting or not. You get a bunch of input


jjspati-Don't forgot that the good bacteria you're trying to get also need a good oxygen supply, not just fish. At higher temps., you'll need some good surface aggitation, even if you don't have fish in there yet. Otherwise, you could produce the bad bacteria in your tank. Just some FYI. Good luck.