Almost have my list...what else??


Ok I thought I was going to get an eclipse 2 system but I lost the auction. It went for way too much. This is what I have.
20 gallon tank
Hood w/lighting
Going to get
LS and about 30 lbs of LR
I was wondering though if I needed anything other than a powerhead. (do I NEED a form of mechanical/chemical filtration) Also what gph should i be looking for??
I plan on having 2 percula clowns, a star fish, 10 crabs, and maybe another fish, possibly 2.
well that is practicaly what i have 2 perculas 11 hermits and goin to get two more fish to and i have a coral banded shrimp
well i dont think your will need a power head because you tank is small and you should only have a filter. just do 30% water changes every three weeks and you should be fine i have had my tank for about 9 months now with no problems. if you are goin to get a power head just get a small one cause you dont need a big one.


Active Member
get one or 2 small powerheads
and a small skimmer
forget filters, go with the LR/DSB and the skimmer and powerheads will be the best that you can do. IMO, I would be glad you lost your auction, you will be much better off. Any conventional filter, for that matter(better off without them all). A good biofilter with a skimmer is thevery best.
2 perculas and maybe one small fish is enough for a 20 gallon, but how about a shrimp or 2? and plenty of snails?


hmmm well I plan on getting 20-30 pounds of live rock...most likely 30 because I am getting it for $3/pound....Would I need a protein skimmer??? If not would that be the only kind of filtration needed...Would I need any mechanical.chemical filtration??? thanks.


ok so it looks like 30lbs of live sand...a small protein skimmer and a small powerhead. Would this be it??? No mechanical or chemical needed?? Also are there any requirments for the powerhead and skimmer??? If anyone knows of anything that is cheap and quiet it would be appreciated. Since I do not have an undergravel filter do I just stick the powehead in the water and it mixes away???


Active Member
NO, no extra means necessary
for a small tank, a Prizm will work fine, and are relatively inexpensive
for powerheads, get only either maxi-jets or hagen-aquaclears.
If buying a hagen, ONLY get an aquaclear, their other line is not quite so good. And saving money here is not worth it.
Personally I woul dget 2 hagen aqualear 201 powerheads(one may work, but if not get 1 more) and a Prizm skimmer.
Just hang the powerhead using the provided hangers and suction cups, and they merely circulate the water. Circulation is a KEY ingredient in a good sw tank


just got a maxi-jet i believe it is, powerhead from ----. I don't think I am getting a skimmer though. Thanks.