Almost ready to give up on SPS




Originally Posted by Freeborder_01
you gotta remember though, a lot of times the reason you test 0 for phosphates is because the algae is using all the phosphates. Just a thought. GOOD LUCK!!! dont give up
+1 on the quote. I had a really bad hair problem and my phosphates always read 0. Anything you can use to lower phosphates is a good thing but after many months of multiple bags of every brand of phos-ban type of product. I finally bought a reactor and the green hair was gone in three weeks, and I mean gone
It's all about surface area of the media coming in contact with the water. Since a phosphate reactor keeps the media in partial suspension the surface exposure approaches 100%.


My guess is you are getting inacurate test reading. You won't have an algea problem unless you have excess nutri. I have a couple questions and a few suggestions.
How often do you do water changes?
How old are your bulbs?
Are you getting good skimate from your skimmer?
I would add more flow.
Do multiple water changes.
Add phosban.
You also might want to do some research on vodka dosing. It can really help in reducing excess nutri.


New Member
thanks for the input everyone. i've always read the boards but never really posted before. thought I could learn just by reading but posting a specific question to my system has been helpful.
jpa0741 - I do small frequent water changes using ro/di water. typically 5 gallons at a time, 2-3 times per week. the algae, especially the bubble, has been there since I moved the tank a little over a year ago and that's also when I replaced the bulbs. the bulbs will be repalced when I get my xmas money :) funny you mention about the skimate. I've never got much but the last few weeks its been barely anything. tried adjusting the skimmer water level too. what does that mean?
calvertbill - heard the two little fishes reactor is decent and inexpensive. what type are you using?


Originally Posted by kb338
thanks for the input everyone. i've always read the boards but never really posted before. thought I could learn just by reading but posting a specific question to my system has been helpful.
jpa0741 - I do small frequent water changes using ro/di water. typically 5 gallons at a time, 2-3 times per week. the algae, especially the bubble, has been there since I moved the tank a little over a year ago and that's also when I replaced the bulbs. the bulbs will be repalced when I get my xmas money :) funny you mention about the skimate. I've never got much but the last few weeks its been barely anything. tried adjusting the skimmer water level too. what does that mean?
calvertbill - heard the two little fishes reactor is decent and inexpensive. what type are you using?

It would be more beneficial to do a larger water change once a week. You will be removing more waste in doing so. I don't know how old your rock is but I have heard of people having problems with rock that has become saturated with excess nutri. (phos). I don't know much about your brand of skimmer but you might want to clean it good, with vinegar or look in an upgrade. A phos. reactor will help but still is not solving where the phos. is coming from. I would also cut back on feedings. Just some suggestions.


Have you tried running carbon? Maybe you need to leech out bad historical residue. You seem to have the lights covered, if your skimmer is delivering a black cup a week, you should be ok there too. My only other thought is that your mag levels may be low causing concern for decreased alk which will always doom you from the start. SPS tell you what they want...when happy, my birdsnest appears fuzzy, blue acros have white tips, and green & pink acros extend hairy polyps. Don't give up! SPS are not that hard to grow...I failed 3 times until I understood the lighting/filtration/chemistry, but now it's all fun. Now, if only I can only get my green star polyps to cover the back glass of my 90 gal :) (I hear it looks really cool, but have never seen a picture:)


Originally Posted by kb338
calvertbill - heard the two little fishes reactor is decent and inexpensive. what type are you using?
Mine is a deltec I bought when the exhibitors were breaking down this year's MACNA XX and it works fine, but I've read on this forum several posts praising less expensive brands.