Alot of questions about my fish...


Originally Posted by Stone
What specs?
Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Ph, Salinity, Kh, Live rock, how old the tank is, filtering devices, skimmer, test kits, type of salt, species in the


Ok, Mrscarface. I want to help you so you do'nt lose your fish. First off, CYCLE is a process that takes a month or more to complete. You did'nt lose anyone yet? So I will asume yours has'nt cycled yet. Usually you add fish after the cycle.
The cycle works like this: Your fish waste, uneaten food, ect. breaks down and produces amonia(deadly for most fish, at high levels). High amonia levels produce bacteria that eat the amonia, and turn it into nitrite. Nitrite not as leathel as amonia, but still harmful, produces more bacteria that break the nitrite into nitrate. The nitrate can then be removed through water changes. (10% water change per week there after, or 20% every two weeks)
So with a test kit you will see the amonia levels rise, then peak.(That would be when you lose fish) You can try to smooth the process by using a product called cycle(keeps the amonia level low, while adding beneficial bacteria to your tank) It basicly will help your tank cycle without the high peaks of amonia and nitrite, which will most likely kill your puffer, and angel(if not all). Use cycle as instructed on box and repeat weekly for the next few weeks.
And, don't worry cycle is completely overdose proof, and safe for your fishies. I would get it ASAP, because your tank most likely will crash without it, and probably within the next few days. You will want to test for amonia, nitite, nitrate, and ph at least every other day till your tank finishes the cycle. If you do see amonia peak use amonia detox ASAP(fish cannot survive high amonia levels.
I'm not shure what you're feeding but I would reccomend some frozen foods like mysis and krill. And you probably would want to add some snails and hermit crabs(not all at once, a couple of each for now, they help to clean up the leftovers)
Read some threads on here. I learned alot on here. Take advise from those who have learned the hard way like me, and good luck. I hope all works out for you and keep us posted. :happyfish


Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
not to be a pain, but please, define 'fine' for me. lfs tells my levels are fine, when they aren't...ask for numbers...half the time the workers on clueless 4/5 times they tell me my ph is high at 8.4...grrr.. say nitrates are fine at 40, told me 80 was fine for fw fish...will say .25 ammonia is 'safe'.
1. cc traps nitrates, it's a fact, you must vaccuume the cc with each water change.
2. cc isn't used with a reef tank
3. you can't have corals till your tank is esblished, lets wait 6 months on that one.
4. you need more lr, lr aid in filteration. 1-2lbs per gallon is good. Esp if you have reef tank (corals)
5. cc is NOT live sand, ls is live sand, cc is something sand will have live creatures and such
6. what kind? the flakes you get at walmart won't work long term, not heathly for sw fish
7. how often do you do water changes? are you using ro water.
8.Is is lr or base rock? lr will have stuff growing on it...feather dusters...sponges...other things, base rock is bought dry and well is dead. Lr will smell, often has hichickers (creatures) on it.
I believe the 2 Blue Devils Damsels, 2 4 Stripe Damsels, 1 Chomis, liveing through a cycle, but not the angel or puffer...
Read the thread that's posted at the top of this forum. Take a trip to a bookstore, get a coffee, read a few books. read some here.
OK thanks for the help.... let me answer your questions. The rock i have is 'Live Rock' i guess it has stuff on it cause it a big honeycomb looking white thing growing on it. Ill get some more though..... The flakes im using look different than your typical walmart kind and i got them from a Saltwater fish store. Also ill ask exact numbers later. I dont have the test kits except for a hydrometer. The guy at the Saltwater Fish store checks it all for me when i come in. I assume he knows what hes talking about cause its not like hes just an employ as a big pet store. He owns his own Saltwater fish store. Altough i will still ask since i could be making a huge mistake by trusting him.


Originally Posted by reeffreak9
Ok, Mrscarface. I want to help you so you do'nt lose your fish. First off, CYCLE is a process that takes a month or more to complete. You did'nt lose anyone yet? So I will asume yours has'nt cycled yet. Usually you add fish after the cycle.
The cycle works like this: Your fish waste, uneaten food, ect. breaks down and produces amonia(deadly for most fish, at high levels). High amonia levels produce bacteria that eat the amonia, and turn it into nitrite. Nitrite not as leathel as amonia, but still harmful, produces more bacteria that break the nitrite into nitrate. The nitrate can then be removed through water changes. (10% water change per week there after, or 20% every two weeks)
So with a test kit you will see the amonia levels rise, then peak.(That would be when you lose fish) You can try to smooth the process by using a product called cycle(keeps the amonia level low, while adding beneficial bacteria to your tank) It basicly will help your tank cycle without the high peaks of amonia and nitrite, which will most likely kill your puffer, and angel(if not all). Use cycle as instructed on box and repeat weekly for the next few weeks.
And, don't worry cycle is completely overdose proof, and safe for your fishies. I would get it ASAP, because your tank most likely will crash without it, and probably within the next few days. You will want to test for amonia, nitite, nitrate, and ph at least every other day till your tank finishes the cycle. If you do see amonia peak use amonia detox ASAP(fish cannot survive high amonia levels.
I'm not shure what you're feeding but I would reccomend some frozen foods like mysis and krill. And you probably would want to add some snails and hermit crabs(not all at once, a couple of each for now, they help to clean up the leftovers)
Read some threads on here. I learned alot on here. Take advise from those who have learned the hard way like me, and good luck. I hope all works out for you and keep us posted. :happyfish
Thanks alot, do you have any idea where i cn get this 'cycle' stuff? Would any petstore have it? You helped explain alot but i still wonder is it for sure that my fish will die? Or just a guess.
Anyway the big thing im alittle confused about still is once it 'cycles' is that it? Like it will never do it again? Or every few months all my fish die?


You can get Cycle at walmart it's like 5 bucks. Or most fish stores should sell it too. Your tank will be stable after the cycle completes. Most likely without helping add the needed bacteria you more likely than not would lose your fish. Damsels and chromis are more hardy and may be able to handle it. But your puffer and angel are much more sensitive to amonia.
After your tank cycles it would only cycle again if there is a large increase in amonia again (caused by adding too many new fish at one time). But ALL tanks cycle when first set up. Remember: fishes produce amonia and you have to let the good bacteria build up to handle all the amonia, so adding new fish should be done 1 at a time. Your tank cycling is not a maybe... it definately will do this.
Cycle will help speed the process up without the amonia needing to spike as high, saving your fish from the high amonia levels. If you don't get a test kit yet, I would definately get an amonia alert indicator. So that if your amonia spikes you will know right away and save your fish by using more cycle or another product called amonia detox.
I reccommend cycle because it adds the bacteria you need to keep amonia stable and amonia detox is a temporary fix that would last about 24 hours while cycling. I hope this helps, and keep me posted! Good luck to you and your fishies! :happyfish

sinner's girl

Do you guys EVER belive someone is lying? Your just too nice
If it didn't involve fishes...the puffer and angel feel fishes...but hey, even if someone is lying, others will read and learn. I hope.
Anyway the big thing im alittle confused about still is once it 'cycles' is that it? Like it will never do it again? Or every few months all my fish die?
For the most part, nope it wont' every cycle again. Unless you move the tank, add uncured lr, too large of a wc (more than 50%), or too many fish...then you take a chance. But once it's cycled, the good stuff is there, and will stay there unless you do something to kill it
(*OKay, why on earth does the quote button work differently again??? )


Originally Posted by Stone
Do you guys EVER belive someone is lying? Your just too nice
Are you accusing me of liying? What on earth about? I dont think anything i said is hard to belive. All the fish i have a super common and can be bought for a few bucks (minus the puffer who cost a bit more) at *****. Ive only had them for alittle over a month so its not like im claiming to have hda them for 3 years and not knowing whats going on.
Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
For the most part, nope it wont' every cycle again. Unless you move the tank, add uncured lr, too large of a wc (more than 50%), or too many fish...then you take a chance. But once it's cycled, the good stuff is there, and will stay there unless you do something to kill it
Ok thanks i think i get cycling more now.
Originally Posted by reeffreak9

You can get Cycle at walmart it's like 5 bucks. Or most fish stores should sell it too. Your tank will be stable after the cycle completes. Most likely without helping add the needed bacteria you more likely than not would lose your fish. Damsels and chromis are more hardy and may be able to handle it. But your puffer and angel are much more sensitive to amonia.
Oh cool, it sounded like something hard to get. I pick some up tonight or tomorrow. Youve been alot of help.


MrScarface said:
Are you accusing me of liying? What on earth about? I dont think anything i said is hard to belive. All the fish i have a super common and can be bought for a few bucks (minus the puffer who cost a bit more) at *****. Ive only had them for alittle over a month so its not like im claiming to have hda them for 3 years and not knowing whats going on.
Your right, Im sorry.
I should have said "joking" instead of liying. I thought you were pulling our leg. Getting back to the subject what kind of filters are you using? You have some VERY tough fish so you have that going for you allready.


Stone said:
Originally Posted by MrScarface
Are you accusing me of liying? What on earth about? I dont think anything i said is hard to belive. All the fish i have a super common and can be bought for a few bucks (minus the puffer who cost a bit more) at *****. Ive only had them for alittle over a month so its not like im claiming to have hda them for 3 years and not knowing whats going on.
Your right, Im sorry.
I should have said "joking" instead of liying. I thought you were pulling our leg. Getting back to the subject what kind of filters are you using? You have some VERY tough fish so you have that going for you allready.
Well i have one of those black hanging filters that came with the tank. I also have a black water pump that i have suction cuped under water on the side. It has a filter attachment if you think i should use it.
EDIT: Do puffer change colors??? It might just be my imagination but it seems like in the morning when i turn on the light the puffer is really dark brown and slow, but after an hour hes really light brown and fiesty.


MrScarface said:
Originally Posted by Stone
Well i have one of those black hanging filters that came with the tank. I also have a black water pump that i have suction cuped under water on the side. It has a filter attachment if you think i should use it.
EDIT: Do puffer change colors??? It might just be my imagination but it seems like in the morning when i turn on the light the puffer is really dark brown and slow, but after an hour hes really light brown and fiesty.
Most people dont use the filter that is used in a power head "black water pump" but if you do make sure to clean it often. Have you done any water changes since the tank has been set up?


Stone said:
Originally Posted by MrScarface
Most people dont use the filter that is used in a power head "black water pump" but if you do make sure to clean it often. Have you done any water changes since the tank has been set up?
Yes and no... i havent changed any but i haved added water becuase where i live the air is very dry and water evaporates quick. So ive had to add alittle water every now and then.


Have you tried using Cycle, yet? Did your amonia go up at all? If you used the cycle, I would use it again in a week. I used cycle 'after' my amonia spiked, so I'd love to know if it prevents a 'cycling' tank from reaching high amonia levels all together!


Originally Posted by reeffreak9
Have you tried using Cycle, yet? Did your amonia go up at all? If you used the cycle, I would use it again in a week. I used cycle 'after' my amonia spiked, so I'd love to know if it prevents a 'cycling' tank from reaching high amonia levels all together!
I couldnt find cycle, but i found something simialr (i think). It called Biozyme it says it adds micro organisms needed to prevent new tank syndrome. So far so good, and i got Ammo Lock to 'detoxify' amonia if i get high levels.


Sounds like it does the same thing... I would use it again in a week too. Just keep an eye on your amonia levels, and it should be ok. I would really get a test kit too, so that you can check your levels regularly (without having to run it to your lfs).
How is your puffer doing? Has he tried to eat anyone? I ask, because I would like to add one to my tank, but I'm afraid he will try to eat my clown or damsel.
Well, keep us posted. And hopefuly your tank cycles without a hitch!


Active Member
Please read up on the care and tank size requirements for your dogface puffer. He is going to outgrow this tank, {most grow to 1' and more}and needs a varity of foods that include algae based and foods in an actual shell to help keep his beak from overgrowing. If it does he won't be able to eat. This means purchasing foods like shrimp in a shell and clams,etc. This fish being a messy eater is also going to compromise the water quality in this tank. You are going to need a protein skimmer, meanwhile water changes are a must. The water must be topped off daily in a sw tank, not 'every now and then". Stability is key to healthy marine life. Approximately the same amount will evaporate every's easy to figure out how much this amount is and add it back. Use RO/DI or bottled water only, not tap.


Active Member
My guess scarface is you started with tap water and used something similar to ammo lock to detoxify the chlorine's in your tap water??? Ya? NA?
With this many fish in a tank for a month the odds are the tank is cycled and what you did was cycle with fish and the ammonia levels were sufficiently detoxed by the agents you used to neutralize the chlorine's to keep it from killing the fish.
You are also right in the fact that none of this qualifies as rocket science and provided the aquarium keeper dos not interfere, the natural progression of the tank will continue,
I would however purchase a few test kits to make sure all of this is true. Test ammonia, nitrite. If these levels are zero and the tank has indeed had fish in it for a month your cycle is over and none of the cycle products are needed. Keep in mind that chemical test kits for ammonia will give you a total ammonia level. For this tank I would also purchase a hang on ammonia sensor that will indicate free ammonia levels only. There cheap, around ten bucks. If this indicates any free ammonia levels above zero use your ammo lock per instructions.
Basically you have gotten pretty lucky here and it can be safe to assume the water chemistry of this tank is still somewhat unstable so you need to monitor things pretty closely here for another few weeks. If there were any free ammonia's present during your cycle it is obvious they were not high enough to kill your fish but they may have been high enough to do some respiratory damage. If true a somewhat shortened life span for the fish is probable.
You do have a few fish that are somewhat inappropriate for the size tank you have but that's not to worry either. Your LFS should be willing to exchange them for some other smaller species.
Good luck with your new tank


MrScarface said:
Originally Posted by Stone
Yes and no... i havent changed any but i haved added water becuase where i live the air is very dry and water evaporates quick. So ive had to add alittle water every now and then.

I'm sure you know this, but when you top off your water you should be using fresh water not saltwater.


Wow lost to reply to, Thanks for the help anyway.....
Originally Posted by reeffreak9
Sounds like it does the same thing... I would use it again in a week too. Just keep an eye on your amonia levels, and it should be ok. I would really get a test kit too, so that you can check your levels regularly (without having to run it to your lfs).
How is your puffer doing? Has he tried to eat anyone? I ask, because I would like to add one to my tank, but I'm afraid he will try to eat my clown or damsel.
Well, keep us posted. And hopefuly your tank cycles without a hitch!
I will keep using it. No doubt abaut that. No the puffer hasnt had a single problem with anything or any fish. He hasnt ever snapped at any of the fish ar anything. Although he is still pretty small.
Originally Posted by promisetbg
Please read up on the care and tank size requirements for your dogface puffer. He is going to outgrow this tank, {most grow to 1' and more}and needs a varity of foods that include algae based and foods in an actual shell to help keep his beak from overgrowing. If it does he won't be able to eat. This means purchasing foods like shrimp in a shell and clams,etc. This fish being a messy eater is also going to compromise the water quality in this tank. You are going to need a protein skimmer, meanwhile water changes are a must. The water must be topped off daily in a sw tank, not 'every now and then". Stability is key to healthy marine life. Approximately the same amount will evaporate every's easy to figure out how much this amount is and add it back. Use RO/DI or bottled water only, not tap.
Yeah i know about the shrimp. I assmue ghost shrimp will do fine, and thats what i get to wear down his teeth. How often should i do it? Im guessing like once or twice a month. As for the size thing, ill play it by ear. We have a 60gal (i think thats what it is) in my house somewhere (either in the back storage room, the attic or the garage) and if thata not good enough i can always buy a bigger one.
Originally Posted by Murph

My guess scarface is you started with tap water and used something similar to ammo lock to detoxify the chlorine's in your tap water??? Ya? NA?
I would however purchase a few test kits to make sure all of this is true. Test ammonia, nitrite. If these levels are zero and the tank has indeed had fish in it for a month your cycle is over and none of the cycle products are needed. Keep in mind that chemical test kits for ammonia will give you a total ammonia level. For this tank I would also purchase a hang on ammonia sensor that will indicate free ammonia levels only. There cheap, around ten bucks. If this indicates any free ammonia levels above zero use your ammo lock per instructions.
No i used 1 gallon jugs of water i bought at walmart. Ill be sure to buy some test things since everyone wants me to, and i was wondering instead of buying like 20 test kits for everything could i just buy one of those all in one test strips? or are they not as reliable.
Originally Posted by ShrimpDady

I'm sure you know this, but when you top off your water you should be using fresh water not saltwater.
Yes, i use fresh water.