Alot of Questions


New Member
Ok I was hoping to buy a Clownfish this summer and im really excited but im not going to lie i have no idea what i doing . My local friend that owns a pet store can help me with some things but i just had some question.
Can ClownFish mate without Anemones ?
Where can you find Anemones ?
How big of a tank do you need to take care of them ?
Where did you get your ClownFish from ?
I do have a couple more but i keep forgetting what they are i will post them when i remember but thank you .


Active Member
Originally Posted by KEnn3y
Ok I was hoping to buy a Clownfish this summer and im really excited but im not going to lie i have no idea what i doing . My local friend that owns a pet store can help me with some things but i just had some question.
Can ClownFish mate without Anemones ?Yes
Where can you find Anemones ? Most SW LFS's carry some varieties, and online venders like this site often have them
How big of a tank do you need to take care of them ? Depends on what kind of anemone your looking for there are a lot offered in this hobby, but nothing less than 40 gal IMO
Where did you get your ClownFish from ? See the above answer to " where do you find anemones"
I do have a couple more but i keep forgetting what they are i will post them when i remember but thank you .
If I may offer some advice, please do lots of research ask tons of questions before getting one of these animals. Their care is specialized and although not impossible to keep one happy a good working knowledge of reef keeping, tank maintenance, and knowledge about their needs is a necessity. Lighting must be optimal, tank water must be pristine, and its environment must be appropriate. There are a lot of mistakes made by impulse purchases with anemones that often lead to disaster. Your starting out the right way, I am just suggesting you stay this course until you are a lot more experienced and knowledgable on the subjet. HTH


New Member
Yes i know i plan to go to Pet Store again tommrow and look around . I will probaly not try to get a Fish till Mid - Summer . Or when i think i am ready . But what will be needing to buy to make it happy .


Active Member
Originally Posted by KEnn3y
Yes i know i plan to go to Pet Store again tommrow and look around . I will probaly not try to get a Fish till Mid - Summer . Or when i think i am ready . But what will be needing to buy to make it happy .
Well like I said it depends on what kind you are interested in. Typically bubble tip anemones are one of the more common species. You need a mature tank 6 months at the least, live rock for your animal to foot on. Water quality must be perfect, so regular water tests are a must. No Nitrites, no ammonia, optimal pH, salinity of at least 1.024. And last but certainly not least, lighting, a very very important part of anemone care an health. Do not skimp here, although there are lots of lights to choose from it can be confusing weeding out all the particulars about them. Just as a general rule, know that PC lighting or standard flourescent lighting is the least intense you can buy and generally is not something I would recomend getting for a reef tank, and definatly not for anemones. The next 2 types are comparable in intensity depending on what manufacturer you buy but their look is different. HOT5 (high output T5) and MH (metal halide) lighting are both sufficient for keeping anemones. Providing you offer the correct amount of wattage for the tank you have. HTH.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KEnn3y
So what you saying is that i should buy something like this
While waiting ?
Also should i buy something with a cave in it . Because i have read that they like to chill inside of caves
You can make any formation you want with live rock, its not just one piece typically its a few decent size pieces and you make your reef look the way you want. Check out the nano section of this forum we all have pictures of our tanks up. Some of us have tank diaries to follow too. But yes that is a start, tank, live sand and live rock. Let your cycle complete add a clean up crew, and then add fish. Of course the time line from start to adding fish is prob in the 2 month range. And there are a few secondary steps involved in this process but as a general guideline this is it.


New Member
So where can i buy water for my fish i know i can not grab it right out of the ocean , and also what are good things that can clean up my tank ?


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