
got my clownfish to finally go to the anemone... but funny thing is, he only goes to it at night.. he won't go to it during the day.. much. anybody have any idea what he's doing? thought after they start going to the anemone, they spend most of their time there.


My clowns don't go into the anemones too much during the day, but they do go in. At night, once they're in, they don't leave. You probably just have a clown fish that likes to swim around all day. LOL They're strange little fish.


I wish mine would swim around a little, they are in thier anemone day and night. When it shrinks to eliminate they hop into another one. When they have eggs, they try to snuggle into the deflated anemone. Oh forgot to mention when I am cleaning the tank, the female leaves long enough to repeatedly bite me.
lol! mine hasn't gotten around to bitting me yet, it does swim to the top everytime i put my hand over the tank, but i think that's more to do with feeding time lol! my anemone still can't find a spot it likes, been about a month now =/... good thing is, he's fully open


Active Member
The two in my frag tank are like that. One goes in the anemone at night, the other in Xenia.
The clown in my main tank after almost 2 years just starting laying on my colt coral OR does something REALLY wierd which I am trying to get a picture to prove it but he takes a tip of the coral in his mouth and hangs there (until I get a camera). It's the wierdest thing. When he's done his mouth slowly falls off like a 1/4" of coral -- he just likes hanging on.
Originally Posted by jackri
The two in my frag tank are like that. One goes in the anemone at night, the other in Xenia.
The clown in my main tank after almost 2 years just starting laying on my colt coral OR does something REALLY wierd which I am trying to get a picture to prove it but he takes a tip of the coral in his mouth and hangs there (until I get a camera). It's the wierdest thing. When he's done his mouth slowly falls off like a 1/4" of coral -- he just likes hanging on.
lol one of my clowns does that with the tip of my RBTA if it finds one tip partially deflated. craziest looking thing ever


Originally Posted by jackri
The two in my frag tank are like that. One goes in the anemone at night, the other in Xenia.
The clown in my main tank after almost 2 years just starting laying on my colt coral OR does something REALLY wierd which I am trying to get a picture to prove it but he takes a tip of the coral in his mouth and hangs there (until I get a camera). It's the wierdest thing. When he's done his mouth slowly falls off like a 1/4" of coral -- he just likes hanging on.
LOL! I believe you. My clowns did this with a torch coral in my nano.