Alternative diet for a Mandrin Goby


I got this guy right after my first pod outburst and he did a great job of eating them all. Well now they are all gone and there isn’t anything for him to eat. They have been gonna for about 5 weeks and he is still alive but he looks sorta thin. Is he dying or is he eating something else in the tank? He is really good buddies with my shark so I am thinking maybe he is eating the scraps the shark leaves but then-again he eats pods so I don’t really know.


New Member
Ive heard that some people have put mandarins onto brine srimp but I wouldnt know if you would have much luck with that..


if he looks like he is getting thin, then he prob is i have 2 of them and they pic pods etc all day as well as eat frozen brine u might want to see if u got any pods going on in the other 2 tanks or atleast one where he can get some food, i found that have the problem is they tend to hang on the bottom and wait for the shrimp to hit the bottom so in the begging i try to but a little extra in there so he sees it and starts to search for it,


Well with the fish in my tank nothing goes all the way to the bottem, I mean all the brine I put in there has maybe a 1% chance of hitting the bottem. Should I try and put some food down there by him?


I was advised to feed mine live ghost brine shrimp,& live black far he's eaten all.Your manadarin WILL starve if you can't get him to eat a supplimental food.Good luck.