Alternative methods for random current


Can someone elaborate on some methods used to create "waves" or random current fluctuations???
I do have a nice size power head that turns on when my lights do, and would like to incorporate something more consistant. I figured the calmer waters throughout the night was "natural" but am puzzled as to how I can incorporate more random "waves" within my existing tank~!!


Originally Posted by Mr.125
Can someone elaborate on some methods used to create "waves" or random current fluctuations???
I do have a nice size power head that turns on when my lights do, and would like to incorporate something more consistant. I figured the calmer waters throughout the night was "natural" but am puzzled as to how I can incorporate more random "waves" within my existing tank~!!

You do still have powerheads running overnight though, right?
There are some good "wavemakers" and "alternating powerheads" on the market, with tunze being the benchmark, albeit an expensive one.
Do a search on google for marine aquarium wave makers and powerheads.


Originally Posted by ctgretzky9
You do still have powerheads running overnight though, right?
There are some good "wavemakers" and "alternating powerheads" on the market, with tunze being the benchmark, albeit an expensive one.
Do a search on google for marine aquarium wave makers and powerheads.
Yes i do have multiple power heads running 24 hrs a day.
Thanks for the manufacturer references~!

Anybody else have more economical sugestions??? those "wave makers" ive read, can be problematic. I also noticed the are VERY expensive~!!


There is a hydor rotating flow detector that attaches to power head that turns 360 degrees to give a wave affect do a search and there is some info on them i have one and love it.You can get them for anywhere from 9.99 to 12.99 just a cheaper way then spending money on wave makers IMO.


Originally Posted by fedukeford
theres this brand of powerhead called powersweep that rotates for it kind of creates a wave
I have the powersweep powerheads. They are great when you first place them in the tank, but after a few days the problems begin to show. The first problem I had was them getting jammed from the slightest bit of build up, so be prepared to clean the often if you want them to rotate. The biggest problem I have with them is the amount of micro bubbles they produce. The design allows the non-visible bubbles in your tank to build up inside the powersweep producing large bubbles in the powersweep. After a while the blade pushes the bubble into your tank producing plenty of visible micro bubbles. I'm looking to upgrade to something better now, so I'll be watching this thread.


Active Member
Get the Hydor rotating flo gadgets described above. You can find them online for under $10. They apparently somewhat reduce the flow out of your powerheads, but they work great. Totally reliable, cheap, nice deflected flow. Get a couple powerheads, slap these on, and you're good to go.


Active Member
Oceans Motions they make some good stuff.... i just put an 4 way on my new 180G soon to be sps reef and it does a great job alternating the current! its about $320 but u wont need any other power heads if u bolt on a nice pump to it for some serious flow
all together with the sequence Dart i got it ran me about $550 but i have no powerheads in my tank just that and my sump return and great random flow!
ive also seen things called sea swirls that are like a sprinkler and rotates around back and forth but needs to be placed on the top of the tank through the bracing
if ur lookin for something cheap maybe get a timer that will alternate and turn off one plug then another every 15 minutes this way it will cause the current to change back and forth


So its ok to have power heads turning off and on like that??? Doesnt sound very good for the unit.
The 4 way looks nice but the plumbing is an eyesore~!! And you still have to purchase a Mag drive.
Thanks for the reference~! They do look EXTREMELY problematic though...maybe i'll try one~! shooooooot there only 25 bucks~!
Also I did find a power strip w/ alternating outlets:
Aquarium Systems Natural Wave Wavemaker
The Natural Wave is a multi-cycle pump timer with six circuits that have timing patterns alternate on/off with adjustable periods of 20 seconds to 3 minutes. The third circuit has a double cycle of 40 seconds to 6 minutes. Connect powerheads or pumps and design the best wave patterns for your aquarium. These circuits provide the optimum flexibility for you to create random circulation patterns. An illuminated indicator lets you know the cycling times. The remaining three outlets are standard power outlets and can be used for accessories such as filters, lights, or heaters.
Manufacturer Warranty: 2 years from date of purchase
!~it doesnt state any volt or wattage ratings~!
I wil continue my search and post my findings~!


Active Member
a guy up the street has 2 - 1" sea swirls on his 260g sps tank amongst other things but he likes them and says they work good just dont put more current through them than they can handle or else they can break after a while


lol..Im an idiot...I forgot about this product, to be released to the public shortly.
The vortec powerhead. No random swirling, but watch the video dont need the random flow. Watch the whole video to see how awesome it is. I am definitely getting one.
Price will be a bit steep, i think around $250, but way worth it.
NO CORDS in the tank!!! That's right, just the "fan" is in the water, all electric is outside!
Watch here:


Originally Posted by ctgretzky9
lol..Im an idiot...I forgot about this product, to be released to the public shortly.
The vortec powerhead. No random swirling, but watch the video dont need the random flow. Watch the whole video to see how awesome it is. I am definitely getting one.
Price will be a bit steep, i think around $250, but way worth it.
NO CORDS in the tank!!! That's right, just the "fan" is in the water, all electric is outside!
Watch here:

wow...thats what im talking about~!


Originally Posted by Mr.125
wow...thats what im talking about~!

It's awesome, right?
I have chatted with a couple of beta testers, and it seems to be a great solution. I will have to wait...i think it will be too much for my 60 I dont want to change my existing "flow" as all of the coral are placed where I want them according to flow.
But my next in-wall larger tank will definitely have a couple of these!!!