alternative to flake food?


What can you feed your fish if they are herbivores? If flake food causes high phosphates and algae problems then what are the alternatives? Should I add Nori to the carnivore mix I prepare in a blender?
Is nori the only choice for herbivores besides flake?
Anyone? Bueller?


Active Member
you can put nori in the food or clip it inside the tank. you can also feed algae sheets or herbivore food such as veggie pellets. some people feed lettuce, but i hear its nutritionally worthless.


I use nori on a clip regularly. It seems the herbivores prefer the meat feedings more. I guess Im looking for something else to add to my carnivore blender mix to provide a 50/50/ blend for all the fish to enjoy. Well maybe a 60/40 mix.


my foxface seems to enjoy squid
when im trying to feed the starfish and a piece gets away he is the first to grab it up


In the tank at work the yellow tang eats mysis shrimp. If we put any algae sheets in there the Niger Trigger destroys it. Of course he eats everything.

eric b 125

i've heard of feeding lettuce to fish, but 1) where would fish come across lettuce in the ocean and 2) after having taken nutrition classes i can verify that lettuce has no nutritional value, you actually burn more calories eating iceburg than you gain from eating it. spinach is another story, but i have yet to see spinach growing at sea. i'd say try the nori sheets. JMO


Active Member
"herbivore" fish will eat meaty foods -- all tangs will. It's just their natural diet is grazing on rock all day but they are opportunistic feeders. Just need to supplement their meaty diet with algae sheets/nori for proper nutrition.


Active Member
Get some Rods Food!! Bombdiggity... They have all different types.. The Herbivore has lots of different type of algae along with squid,clam,mollusk,etc


Emerald Entree (Frozen) is a good choice for a tank with herbivores and Omnivores.
My Yellow tang, Clownfish, Wrasse and Damsels have eaten a combination of emerald entree and brine shrimp for years now. All are very healthy.