alternative to Southdown?


Active Member
I was reading up on a local SW board and several posters have mentioned "Pavestone Pulverized Limestone" as a good alternative to Southdown.
Anyone ever heard of that? My sand bed needs a top off.


I have heard of limestone being used several times, they say that it can release carbonates into the water raising the buffering capacity, that usually takes some special circumstances to happen but it should be acceptable as a substrate.
I would prefer to have a sample before mixing types of substrate but its up to you.


Active Member
If crushed limestone does indeed work as a substitute for the aragonite sand sold in petstores, then Walmart carries crushed limstone in the gardening section.


Active Member
I'm going to do some more research. Apparently it comes in varying consistency. The Pavestone seems to be the company of choice for sugar size grains.
I was more worried about the chemical make up of it more than anything.... sounds like it might work.


first time posting,buti just got back from homedepot and did the vinegar test. it bubbles real good. from what i know about limestone it is real dusty. iam going to rinse well and see how it looks.


Active Member
The thing that would bother me is what else is in there besides ther crushed limestone. Odds are its not checked for any metallic content nor otehr undesireables. I had a chance to get a heap of southdown stillin bags a fella bought that took care of commercial aquarium setups, that just happened to bit him in his backside when the southdown had a lot of undesireable compounds in it......IIRC its still setting outside his back door on a pallet.....Southdown was not founded solely to supply and for aquariums, it was a source of aggragate for making cement in the area, and therefore no down to earth specs were looked for as to its actual content and method of processing, as it met the requirements for its original intended purpose, making concrete. I have seen it first hand laying there in bags and there is spots in it that are reddish in color and also other formations of minerals growing.......Just not worth the risk, no matter how many folks have gotten away with it to chance in my tanks. Just my take on some of these proposed materials.


Active Member
If all you need is a top off why not just buy some of the overpriced argonite from the LFS. You shouldn't need much and I seem to remember you saying you are a consoler and have your tank in the office.
This sounds like right off material to me. I am sure the IRS wouldn't gripe.

I have always just used the play sand at HD. The buffering capacity of the more expensive alternatives is negligible and the debate over the silicate content goes on and on but I have had no problems with it.